FCH3 Run
Fog City Red Dress Run
Saturday, September 28, 2019, 1:00 pm
: Kennedy's
: Bar Crawl: Ska Skank Redemption & Penis is Good For Me. Runners: Pick up hash!
: Kennedy's

6th Anal Fog City Red Dress Run -
pay-as-you-go with donations being accepted for Planned Parenthood

Ska-Skank (edit: now Cunt Drunkula) is taking the Fog City RDR back to where it was first birthed from hers and Whole Blow Out's livers: KENNEDYS. The red-clad band of drunks will be wandering around North Beach starting around 2:00p (Hash Standard Time). Come to Kennedys early to get some delicious Indian food and one of their 69 beers on tap (yes it's true).
Stick around for Sunday to experience Flog City's favorite event: the Folsom Street Fair. On Saturday you can rock a red dress, and Sunday you can rock a red ass.

Last updated almost 5 years ago.