FCH3 Run
Saturday, June 12, 2021, 1:00 pm
: McNab Lake in McLaren Park. Go to the East parking lot, entrance near 600 University St
: Dick First Ass Up and Sperm Donor
: Breakfast at Tiffany's
Shareable Facebook Event Link: https://fb.me/e/12tB9X6qy
Attire: Rainbow Pride!
12pm Pre-lube Brunch: Breakfast at Tiffany's (or another option TBD)
Start: McNab Lake in McLaren Park. Go to the East parking lot, entrance near 600 University St: https://goo.gl/maps/NTMXLVexG5tZ7maS8
Trails: Turkey =4.4 mi, Eagle =6?, Walkers... talk to the hares before, and they'll tell you where to go for the...
Beer Checks!: Two, for everyone. Bring a card AND A MASK or no beer for you!
Small Creatures: Dogs OK. Strollers OK, but there will be a bit of shiggy.
Almost 3 years ago, Dick First Ass Up DFAU and SD hared their first ever trail in the Bayview with Fog City. They called it the Trail of the Faceless Men because they were both Justs at the time, and they made it black-and-white-themed in honor of Game of Thrones (remember when that was a thing??). Now they're older but no wiser, so they're going back to the south side of SF to rekindle their hare magic! And in honor of their, erm, growth and evolution, not to mention Pride month, they're making this one a Rainbow Run!

Last updated over 3 years ago.