Hand Pump Workday ​
Saturday, June 13, 2015, 10:00 am
: Jerry Garcia Amphitheater
: Hand Pump
: Free
All, and you too Mr. TBB,
This is the second notice for the next volunteer workday with the SF Rec and Park Natural Areas folks.  As always at these events we ask that you arrive a bit before the start time of 10:00AM in order to learn about the dangerous tools.  You are also reminded to dress in layers.  It is important that the layers include long sleeves and long pants.  Our main target, Himalayan Blackberries, don't give up without a fight.  Gloves and tools will be provided by Rec and Park.  If you have heavy gardening gloves that you like, bring them.  Sancks and water will also be provided by Rec and Park.  BEER will be provided by Hand Pump after the work around noon.   You can show up just for the BEER but you can't tell Titty Boo Boo.
Please RSVP to me by reply e-mail or to my regular e-mail or even by phone.  My info is on the sfh3.com website mismanagement page.  This will give me a chance to let Licia know the amounts of gloves and tools needed.  It will also insure that we don't run out of BEER as we did Monday night.  Let me know if you need transportation to the worksite.
The other news is that SF Rec and Park has finally replaced their supervisor for trail work after many months without one.  It turns out that we have worked with Jon Campo before.  He was the supervisor / gardener for the Steve Ruddy Workday and Tree Planting on Park Presidio Drive a few years back.  He would like to set up a big time trail workday.  This would probably mean 5-6 hours work and hopefully 30 - 50 hashers.  Trail work is very much like working on a chain-gang but the results can be satisfying.  I will keep the Hash informed as plans evolve.  ON-ON!!!
Hand Pump  

Last updated almost 3 years ago.