Hand Pump Workday ​
Saturday, December 2, 2023, 9:30 am
: John McLaren Park, Jerry Garcia Amphitheater Parking Lot
: Hand Pump
: 60 °F / 16 °C, partially cloudy, light breeze.
: Free

Start in the parking lot for the Jerry Garcia Amphitheatre. 


Harriettes, Hashers, Friends and Neighbors,

This Saturday December 2, 2023 is the first Saturday of the month, and therefore it is the Volunteer Workday at McLaren Park.  It is also the last chance to add to our total of hours for 2023.  We are nearing 200 hours volunteered just by the wankers (workers) of SFH3. Meet in the main parking lot for the Jerry Garcia Amphitheater at 9:30 AM.  We will work until noon.  SF Rec and Park will provide gloves, tools, water, and snacks.  SFH3 will provide more snacks and BEER.  The forecast is for near perfect working weather.  Dress in layers, but no rain gear is needed.  Bring your own gardening gloves if you want to.
That's right, after many months of weeding and prep work, we will be planting the Grey Fox Creek Area with native plants.  I am hoping that we can get a big turnout.  We didn't have a planting day this year at the Natural Areas Nursery in Golden Gate Park. This is your chance to plant new life for everyone to enjoy as they visit McLaren Park in the future.  I am also hoping for a big turnout so that we can finish early, and then head (who said head?) to the Marin / EBH3 Tacky Gift Exchange Hash.  
There will be a chalk and flour trail from the parking lot to the worksite.  I will also be offering rides from the Glen Park BART Station to the start location.  The Google Maps address for the Amphitheater parking lot is 22 John F. Shelley Drive.  See you there!!!!
Hand Pump

Last updated 10 months ago.