FCH3 Run
Sunday, April 23, 2023, 1:00 pm
: Washington Square Park
: Dick First Ass Up and Dickweed
: 62 °F / 17 °C, clear, moderate breeze.
: $5
: Yes
: The Boardroom
: The Boardroom
Bimbos, wankers, elves, dwarves, orcs, wizards, and hobbits of all kinds. Don your finest Lord of the Rings or other Fantasy attire and join Fog City for a festive jaunt through “The Shire”. We’ve gathered some of the best/most gullible hares in all the land to lay a majestic, singular trail that will appeal to not just those who run like Eagles, not just those who “run” like hobbits, and not just those who stumble like drunken hobbits, but a single trail for ALL THE HASHERS.
Your hares Dick Weed and Dick First Ass Up (and you! if you wanna help) will be treating you to a plethora of shenanigans including multiple long false trails, the dreaded 6-pack fishhook, song checks, dance checks, something called a Balrog, and much much more.
Wanna hare or help run a check? Reach out.
Prelube: The Boardroom (1600 Powell, they open at Noon)
Forming the Fellowship: 1 PM HST: Washington Square Park
Pack away to storm Mount Doom: 1:30 PM HST

Last updated over 1 year ago.