SFH3 Run #2196
International BLACK COW Day R*n
Monday, June 10, 2024, 6:15 pm
: Huntington Park
: Dick Simmons
: 60 °F / 16 °C, clear, gentle breeze.
: $7
: Zeki’s Bar
: Zeki’s Bar
: Do Her Well

Top o' Nob Hill, across from Grace Cathedral.


June 10 is International BLACK COW day!  (It's a drink, but don't worry about how to make one.)  In the spirit of the day, let's take a little break from all the rainbows, unicorns, and day-glo neon vibrant technicolor oversaturation (sorry, JGIOW) and wear BLACK and/or WHITE.  Simple.  Or dress like a cow, dalmatian, orca, skunk, or a panda.  With or without the evening fog, it will be a BLACK and WHITE night!

Last updated 3 months ago.