GPH3 Run #1: Gypsies Inaugural Run
: 04/01/1993
: Parking lot at the base of Roosevelt
: Snakeless & Tongueless
: Tongueless

It was April 1st, April Fools Day, and what fools these mortals were. The intrepid band of Hashers who came to inaugurate the Gypsies in the Palace Hash consisted of Cuming Mother, Exocet, Crab Claws & Rong Jon, Shaft (joined by Sir Le Squirt) & Fits In, Vax Headroom and, of course, our dashing Gypsy Hares Snakeless and Tongueless/ButtCake. In keeping with their laissez faire, or should I say fairly lazy, style our hares didn't even have any flour until 5pm. Depending on their quick wits, fleet feet and the enormous amount of alcohol that they intended to palm off on the pack before the start of the run to cover for any errors our not so young guns laid a trail that they felt was sure to entrance the pack.   Festivities began with the mixing of the Gypsy Punch by the ever gracious Fits In & Crab Claws. Needless to say that the concoction consisted of exotic alcoholic essences all mixed together in the infamous Bucket From Hell now known as the Gypsy Bucket. Having imbibed, our staunch band posed for several group photos done masterfully by Crab Claws, once she figured out how to set the self-timer. Then with a hearty On-On it was off through Coronado Heights and the Castro. Exocet looking especially lovely in his neon orange shorts left the gay blades of the district breathless. At the first check they were heard to say "Look at that man in the blazing shorts". Oddly enough, Exocet got lost at this check to reappear at the end of the run the last one in and with a smile on his face. Hmm?  The run itself was a beautifully laid tapestry leading the pack over hill and vale and hill and hill and hill and hill oh, and let's not forget the Vulcan Stairs or the back check. Well it was a grand time. Back at the start, the parking lot at the base of Roosevelt, the rest of the punch was consumed and after much laughter the group sans Exocet repaired to the Pig and Whistle for more fortification and frivolity. Rong Jon used to functioning in an alcoholic haze won a fast paced game of Fizz-Fuzz by remembering that 35 had a 5 and could be multiplied by both 7 and 5. All in all a grand way to start a Hash.