GPH3 Run #409: Ben Gay Turns 100!
: 02/01/2001
: Unknown
: Ben Gay
: Tongueless

Run # 409 Ben Gay Turns 100!

The Officer’s Club at Fort Mason has seen a lot but nothing like the Gypsies the flotsam and jetsam of hashing that washed up at its doors courtesy of Ben Gay last Thursday night. As befits a hare who tolerates no whining, he does enjoy a bit of moaning but you’ll have to ask Bone Marrow to fill you in on that, he picked a spot where parking is at a premium and the bitching could start even before the *un. Speaking of bitching and moaning Barbara aka Long Lips (but that will cum later) raised a terrible fuss over receiving the honor of preaching the evening’s sermon. Gadzooks she whined that she didn’t want to be embarrassed. Embarrassed by spreading the good words of the Sacred Missal, unthinkable. Likes To Lick’s half nelson finally convinced her that preaching was something that she really wanted to do and once the feeling returned to her arm she was able to take the Sacred Missal in hand and do a creditable job. Religion accounted for the pack was on-on for one of Ben Gay’s romps through “ fuck ‘em if they can’t solve a check” world. He successfully fucked ‘em at the very first check. The pack zigged when it should have zagged. Panic set in at the thought of missing the promised beer check and it was night of the headless chicken as the pack dissolved. Dick Chick led a portion of the pack back to Fort Mason swearing that she’d seen a check...and she had. The only problem is that it was set to start the pack and the pack started somewhere else. Still it gave the splinter a chance to see Enter The Gerbil and King Rongjon and be told that they were going the wrong way. Never one to follow the crowd T/BC insisted the trail must resume in Aquatic Park and led an even smaller splinter into never never land. Just Matt placed his faith in T/BC; he just needs to take more of his medicine, and of course was led astray. Well Fits In warned him. This splinter was able to move amazingly fast in its search for true trail as terrified civilians fled in terror at the approach of those killer hounds Duncan and Parker. Drill Me being dragged along by Badger who was panting and foaming at the mouth didn’t exactly put the pooch frightened populace at ease either. As they careened up Van Ness to Bay in search of trail Nutless Sack appeared nursing his bad leg on his way to nurse a brew. With him as a guide the lost were found and as they reached Columbus and Bay the on-in trail was espied and the wankers headed off to beer check at the SF Brewing Company. Ben Gay was happily ensconced outside and directed the two legged Gypsies inside where they found pitchers of glorious brew and glasses for the filling. Stepping off the wagon for a moment even King Rongjon allowed himself to give in to temptation. As the boulevardiers raised they’re glasses in a toast to those still wandering the streets of San Francisco the mob appeared and sadly it became necessary to share. The addition of McTaco and his kill crazed pooch Elliot assured the pack a chance to have the sidewalk to itself as it quaffed the hare’s libations. Boneless Chicken smearing ketchup on his throat and lying on ground may have been a tad over the top but who’s to judge. Whistles wetted the pack headed for home and some serious drinking. The Sacred Thermi appeared and hot chocolate laced with Irish Cream went down smooth. Midget Digit from the Emerald CoastH3 cleverly managed to forget his *unning shoes and returned to the fold after a digestive stroll. He found the drink of choice to be a grand choice and proceeded to clog his arteries and kill his brain cells with a will. D’anglin A’nglin actually managed to stay on a semblance of trail and stay in the city Bigfoot promised to do some research and find out if this is a first for him. The Grim Rimmer and Drill Me seemed to have disappeared and Fucking Pesto Chicken took the opportunity to spread fear by claiming that Drill Me was planning on breeding Badger and Rimmer. He swore that he had first dibbs on the pups. Sucks Cock For Crack not only appeared but also insisted that when he told his mother what he’d been named her only comment was that she’d wished she’d thought of that when he was born. Enter The Gerbil donned his jester’s cap and dispensed down-downs to the deserving ungodly. Foremost was Ben Gay who chose to hare on his 100th *un and shirted. It appears that our reader, Barbara, had named herself Long Lips after being told by Scarlett O’Hairy that she should have a name. The two evil doers were properly chastised and a seriously plowed I R Stupid offered to help Barbara really earn a name that had lips in it. Of course he also offered to let Dickless Namehole prove he wasn’t dickless. Open Wide edged away concerned that I R might try to make her live up to her name as well. Shithead just stood his ground and grinned at the thought of what he’d do if I R made the same offer to him. Craig spent another week not drawing any attention to himself. When the wolf is at the door invite him in for a drink. Cheers.