GPH3 Run #1531: Kicking 2022 to the Curb
: 12/29/2022
: Front and Union aka The Hellmouth
: One Night Only
: Tongueless

Run #1531 13 Marks to End the Year!

One Night Only is making a career out of kicking years to the curb for the Gypsies and she did it once again for 2022! Our hare gathered the pack at the Hell Mouth aka Front and Union, scene of many an evening of Gypsies mayhem! The pack was small but ready to do a powerful amount of dining and drinking. Adopt A Pussy swung by just to drop off a portable fridge for Pied Piper and that will give you an idea of the edibles since PP also had his most Sacred Grill! The keg of Lagunitas Hazy Wonder was keeping the pack wet on the inside while the weather tried to do the same to the pack outside. Not to worry Since PP also had he emergency tent! Any thought of Religion went out the window as the pack opted for *unning between the rain drops. ONO was just crossing fingers and toes that the trail still existed! ONO fueled the pack with as much sugar and fat as they could stuff down with her patented “Power Cookies” guaranteed to get you onto the American Heart Association’s endangered list. The pack stepped out of its shelter and across the Sea Wall Lot onto the Embarcadero and down to Bay St. Not to cast any aspersions but Backside Banger was a smidge too happy singing, Singing in the Rain like a demented Donald O’Connor. A short burst along Midway St. brought the pack across Francisco and down Pfeiffer St. Fits In marveled that a Pfeiffer St. existed and marveled even more that Hand Pump knew where the hell it was. Hand Pump is of course a connoisseur of the city! The pack was completely disorganized and slip sliding around on the wet pavement. Every time they went uphill it was a dialectic materialism march, three steps forward and two steps back! By now ONO was counting the marks that had survived. Instead of on-on there was lot of “There’s one, there’s one” and the number. Trail stayed on Grant to Broadway then turned to follow Broadway to Battery and thence back to the start. The keg was popped back out and tapped and the Cloak Of Invisibility dropped over it. The table was filled with Vitamin J and ONO’s killer cookies. Fits In whipped out the Sacred Thermi filled with both hot cider and rum and hot wine to warm their insides. Under the tarp the pack huddled for warmth with Tonya Hardon and 5 Angry Inches a little more huddled than, say, Blow Queen and Wash This Asshole but who knows what enough alcohol can spark. Tongueless was so moved that he declared that anyone brave enough or dumb enough to be huddled under the tent could claim a free trail next week. Pied Piper whipped out the Sacred Grill and started cranking out venison burgers and sausages. Once their mouths were stuffed any thoughts of complaining about the weather flew out the window. ONO being a financier and thus precise tallied the marks that that had survived the rain and came up with a grand total of 13. Blow Queen declared that anyone who needed more wasn’t fit to claim the title of Gypsy! Thus ended 2022 for the Gypsies, kicked to the curb by ONO! Cheers,