GPH3 Run #1484: Public Restrooms Help You Raise Cash
: 02/03/2022
: Clarendon and Olympia Way
: Chickenboner
: Tongueless

Run #1484 The Cleanest Public Toilets in Town!

Chickenboner kicked off February, the cruelest month, for the Gypsies with a trail that took its ethos from February’s spiritual moniker. The Gypsies’ own little Queen called for the pack to gather at the Midtown Community Center on Olympia and Clarendon and lemmings that they are the Gypsies answered her call. Known far and wide as Who’s Your Daddy’s favorite public toilets, he has said, “You could eat off the floor”, WYD was pleased as punch. Speaking of “punch” he was even more pleased when the Outbeer arrived with a Sacred Cooler full of Lagunitas Daytime IPA, a “session” IPA. Apparently, CB’s call was heard as far afield as Sweden or Phuket, depending on where the Wanted Posters are more accurate, by ABBA who appeared with his usual stock of beauteous bims, in this case Mary Tyler Whore and Just Erica. They were both fresh, neither of them having been spilled on by Rongjon. MTW who’s *un with the Gypsies before laughed the spillage issue off with, “I’m wearing dark colors so nothing will show”! Adopt A Pussy popped a top and swigging some of the piss allowed that unlike Little Sumpin Sumpin the Daytime A. wouldn’t upset his stomach and B. would leave him with a manageable hangover. Blow Queen wondered aloud why AAP would want a “manageable hangover”. Some denizens of the district were foolish enough to try and move along the sidewalk, but they were dissuaded by Exaggerated Crack and Just Kate grinning and pointing down at Just Tonic their Pit Bull. Of course, the only damage JT would ever inflict is licking someone to death. ABBA stepped to the podium and with the Male Missal in hand provided the pack with some old-time religion if old time religion was produced by Porn Hub. WYD assumed the role of chalktalker and gave none, then cast the pack to the wind with an “I think she went that way.” The pack took off down Olympia way while On All 4s was rallying the Lost Patrol to her flag. The LP was delayed as usual by Tongueless and Fits In having to secure the piss and Gypsies’ cash before starting. Trail took all and sundry down Olympia Way up, VERY up Clarendon. Sidewalk ran out and the trail crossed the street but kept going up. Our hare laid a merry chase through the neighborhood before sending the pack into the woods of the Mt. Sutro Open Space Reserve. The LP was loosely formed by the usual suspects and the ABBA brigade along with new to the Gypsies, Just Josh, Just Alkin and Just Atta the two JAs were Wine & Chowder fanciers who found themselves with LP. All went well until they came to the proverbial fork in the road of in this case trail. The rest went uphill while T who loves to imitate the Cowardly Lion suggested they might like to go back. Made of sterner stuff OA4s and FI laughed and turned up the trail. Lo and behold the trail was not as steep as earlier. The whole pack more or less dissolved into bits and pieces getting lost hither and yon. Jack The Ripper actually finished trail and left but of course the Gypsies being the Gypsies it was just assumed his withered body would be found by some hiker. As they approached the confluence of the West Ridge and Historic Trails, T’s phone rang and it was our hare concerned that the LP was well and truly LOST. CB just told them, “Get to the summit as fast as you can and you’ll find a good trail down”. That being said OA4s slung the by now gibbering T over her shoulder and with FI pushing the load from behind set off for the summit. OA4s unslung her heavy load at the summit and off they went do to Nike Rd and down Behr. Ave. to Clarendon. It was more or less all downhill from there back to the start. The pack was milling around in front of the elementary school so they were shoved aside by the suddenly obstreperous T and the cloak of invisibility was set up with Vitamin J and Sacred Thermi filled with hot toddys. Cuming Mutha was stunned to find that OA4s had carried T up the trail when if he’d only stayed with the LP she could have carried him! 5 Angry Inches arrived having done the trail on his own and Phone Sex arrived so she could drink, never mind the trail. One Night Only had her signature cupcakes and WYD had cookies, the only difference was his came from the store and hers from her oven. Wash This Asshole was happy that he took a leaf from Phonie’s book was just there to drink and eat. Eat My Pussy was holding court seated in a lawn chair with a hot toddy in one hand and chips in the other. 5150 showed up on his knee scooter since he still can’t put weight on his foot and tried to get pack members to pony up cash to get a chance to race down Clarendon on the scooter. The gleam in Just Ted aka The Other Bastard’s eye blazed like a thousand suns but Just Fuck Off pissed out the blaze generated by the hot toddys. Manhole eventually came off trail as did Just Atta and Just Alkin. When Sword Of Power in hand T called the JAs into the Circle and asked how they got lost it appears they went through a sign saying, NO FUCKING TRAIL HERE, MORON. Okay they claimed a lack of proficiency in English since they are from Turkey. Always wanting to be politically correct T dubbed them the Kebab Bros.. T, as per usual made a fool of himself. Hand Pump generously offered to get rid of the garbage but filled with the gemutlichkeit of multiple hot toddys T packed it in the Outbeeer. Another night well wasted with the Gypsies. Cheers.