GPH3 Run #1365: Of Sons and Sand Paper!
: 06/06/2019
: Sola & Magellan above the Forrest Hills Muni Station
: Manhole
: Tongueless

Run #1365 Of Sons and Sand Paper!

Manhole laid the trail for the Gypsies last week from Sola and Magellan above the Forrest Hills Muni Station assuring plenty of wide-eyed spectators. The Gypsies also had proof that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree since Manhole brought his son Just Peter. JP shares Manhole’s fondness for Lagunitas Czech Pils and Mans Best Hole as well so he pounded piss from the keg while he held the leash of MBH. Our hare also was the source of 30 Grit and EBH3 hasher being there. When your boss hares a trail it’s always wise to be there. The pack milled around blocking the sidewalk. Money did change hands during the furious round of betting over whether or not Backside Banger was going to ram any cars out of the pay so he could park his behemoth. Leave it to Dick Ass Mother Fucker to turn anything into a chance to make some money gambling. With the arrival of The Cunt Next Door and “Saint” Titty Boo Boo conversation turned from ABVs to changing diapers. TCND assured the pack that “S”TBB rarely needs his changed. The new parents left the babe with a baby sitter while “S”TBB got to try to wing another hash and TCND hit the grocery store. 30 Grit smoothed out the edges on the pack with a fine sermon from the Traveling Missal. By the time she finished reading our priestess’ face was as red as her shirt but it was unclear if the cause was embarrassment or laughing too hard. Tongueless’ Penis found it necessary to point out that religion is no laughing matter! Our hare provided a quickie chalktalk and the pack was off. Trail took the pack along Magellan to, oddly enough Sola and thence to Linares and then Castenada Ave. The trail was another “I’ve never met a staircase I didn’t have to climb” trail and Manhole found more than enough. Fits In isn’t sure whether Tongue Depressor or Tongueless was more pissed off with all the stairs but at least TD will climb if you give her a treat or if Qaeda Cunt gets ahead of her. Manhole also took the pack on a tour of the parks in the area that, what a surprise, also involved going over hills. Insult was added to injury as the pack was dragged not just stairs but over the top of Golden Gate Heights Park, a round top with nowhere to go but back down. Phone Sex stood on the horizon before a final push to the summit where she planted her, um, flag. Happily Who’s Your Daddy was able to pass the puddle, um, flag without wet shoes. Pencil Dick laughed uproariously at the idea that he was going over Golden Gale Heights point out the when he was 40 he was already too old for that shit. Ultimately trail took the pack to Manhole’s abode for a beer check. Of course the lazier of the pack missed the beer check and headed straight on in. Waiting for their arrival was 5 Angry Inches. 5AI had arrived late and finding the arrows at the start incomprehensible, as only he can, decided to *un trail backwards. On the other hand it did give him that much more drinking time so who can really fault his thinking. Manhole finally dispersed the drinkers and they arrived back to continue emptying the keg and jamming as much Vitamin J into their faces as could be managed. The table was set the Sacred Bucket filled with Yellow Peril a mercilessly hangover producing concoction from Fits In. Che Gayvara arrived back at the start sweating enough to make people think he was disguised as a waterfall. As soon as “Saint” Titty Boo Boo and The Cunt Next Door reappeared the conversation went right back to things like baby proofing a house. Adopt A Pussy quickly chimed in that if you have enough insurance on them it’s foolish to bother with baby proofing. TCND put paid to the family style chats by announcing she had to get out of there before the “milk bottles” started leaking and dragged “S”TBB off by his “ear”. Tongueless took up the Sword Of Power and convened the Circle. Just Peter was brought up for a down-down and chose to whip out an intimate body part rather than sing or tell a joke, well, Scarlette O’Hairy kind of took the whipped out part as being a joke. That had Peteophile bursting with pride. They arrived late leaving them no time for trail but still plenty of time for keg and Bucket. Speaking of bursting with pride Just Peter’s actions had Manhole doing just that and mumbling through his tears of joy that he’d raised his boy right. Ah family! Cheers.