GPH3 Run #1371: A River Ran Through It!
: 07/18/2019
: Redwood Highway Frontage Road & Hamilton, Mill Valley
: Dr Kimble
: Tongueless

Run #1371 A River Ran Through It!

Last week Dr. Kimble had the Gypsies back in Mill Valley aka MILF Valley last Thursday. Dr. K gathered the pack in the parking lot at Redwood Highway frontage road and Hamilton where the pack was able to put down bottles of Lagunitas CitruSinensis Pale Ale while they bitched and moaned about the weather in Marin not being warmer like they expected. Dr. K just reminded them that all those MILFs were there to keep them warm when the sun doesn’t. Cream Chugger, covering Just Lily’s tender ears, called out Dr. K for sexism for not suggesting any Sugar Daddies for the ladies. A very contrite Dr. K offered his apologies. Deadbeat mumbled something about his being sweet but Cream Chugger allowed that she wasn’t that cold! Pied Piper showed up…to drink the CitruSinensis before heading home for some Cold Cuts a few pints makes even cold meat more palatable. The fog rolled in and so did the pack. Pencil Dick was there with the recording artist Just Arlo who has found that he has a fine time on trail and is ready to swallow the hash treats. The pack hung around getting colder by the minute so Fleshlight was volunteered to heat them up with a reading from the Male Missal. Fleshlight claimed to be unable to read until Golden Snowball mentioned that she would be more than happy to act out the sermon later in a more private location. It’s amazing how quickly Fleshlight learned to read. With a little religion under their belts or in their shorts as the case may be the pack was ready for Dr. K’s chalktalk. All the usual ingredients were in the trail he’d baked including toilet paper as a mark or should it be needed otherwise. Bitches Bitch implored Dr. K to tell him if there was any Poison Oak on trail but Dr. K just grinned and shrugged. The pack was off into the fog and in a fog as well. Dr. K finding he has too much time on his hands once again set a walker’s trail as well as a straight on one and did a great job of marking them both. Trail took all and sundry down Hamilton to Seaver Dr. where the first split took the pack up Seaver and the Lost Patrol consisting to Tongueless, Fits In and Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt along Hamilton and the edge of Hauke Park. Up Seaver the pack climbed until it came back down the stairs beyond Eliot and merged back with the LP. The pack was ignored as it passed the Mill Valley Police Department and once again split to send the most desirous of abuse up the hill behind the Fire Station to Rogue Moreas Dr. and the baseball field where all came together again. Hand Pump kept popping up like the trail was a Whack-a-Mole game. Freeman was the next park on our hare’s agenda and he sent the true cognoscenti along a trail to meet up with the walking wankers at the park. At this point Manhole magically appeared having somehow managed to avert a large portion of the trail by accident and being sent back to trail as punishment. The LP of 3 now made their way back on dry streets while the rest of the park ran alongside the creek or as Fleshlight and Golden Snowball did through the creek. Tongueless’ Penis brought the concept of bridges to their attention and pointed out the one that was practically next to the wet of feet duo. Of course TP is a man of science. Tbe LP *an, if you can call it that, into Cuming Mutha who was still at the Limóncello stop enjoying a respite and smugly pointing to his dry feet. At long last the pack was back at the start and the Sacred Cooler full of beer was wheeled off to the side to be next to the table filled with Vitamin J. 5150 and Scarlette O’Hairy joined the pack in it’s glen. The Sacred Bucket was filled with Yellow Peril and eventually T had drunk enough to open a Circle but sans Sword Of Power. Say what you will about T, and you will, the sound of his own voice is a Siren song. Bitch Pimp pointed out that it’s really so much less than a Siren song and more just plain siren. Be that as it may Dr. K was called forth to pay for his crime of a trail. Little John’s Son was brought up for a down-down to celebrate his new career as a garden gnome, you had to be there. 5150 and Bitches Bitch came forth to do a down-down for their shaved heads and Scarlette O’Hairy rubbed them for luck. Dr. K was tossed aside for looking more like the surrey with the fringe on top. Golden Snowball, having drunk deep of the Bucket came forward to vow that next time she was seen she would be as bald as the boys. Fleshlight mumbled that she really meant, “balled” but the boys aren’t much of that either. The highlight of the evening was the introduction of Just Tracy a hasher who’d run for 4 years with the BarbadosH3 and stumbled upon Hand Pump, poor thing. In those 4 years JT had remained nameless ah but the Gypsies took care of that as Just Tracy kneeled to arise as Hand Pump’s Handmaiden since he discovered her. HPH is the newest member of the Order of the Sleepless Knights. The Circle ended and the drinking continued to no one’s surprise. Cheers.