GPH3 Run #1377: The Older He Gets, Well, The Older He Gets!
: 08/29/2019
: Dahlia Garden in Golden Gate Park
: Cuming Mutha
: Tongueless

Run #1377 The Older He Gets, Well, The Older He Gets!

Cuming Mutha completed another circuit of the sun and so pleased was he with his survival of yet another year, they do add up, laid a trail for the Gypsies to celebrate himself. CM gathered the pack at the Dahlia Garden in Golden Gate Park. While the pack took over the parking they were able to down pints of that fine brown ale Newcastle not brewed by Lagunitas. Hand Pump kindly provided his van and jockey box to keep the beer cool and concealed. HP also kindly picked up the keg since it wasn’t available at the brewery. Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt were thrilled both to be in the park but also the start location where they rolled joyously in whatever foul fertilizer had been used. Manhole rolled up and Mans Best Hole along with MH’s son’s dog Just Louie joined in the party guaranteeing all the humans an odiferous ride home. Thinking about the awful possibilities On All 4s insisted that Cuming Mutha stay off the grass. CM not only laid his own Bday trail but he spoke the words from the good book, Missal in hand, but unnamed as yet, he preached about the importance of husbands being good for their wives and keeping them satisfied. OA4’s focused on his words while happily rubbing her hands together in anticipation. One Night Only pointed out that a number of the female civilians had stopped talking about the dahlias to pay attention to the gospel according to the Gypsies. Our hare provided a chalktalk that was the gospel according to Cuming Mutha so no attention was paid. Bitches Bitch just kept asking if the was any PO and our hare just kept saying no and grinning yes! On that joyous note the pack was off. The Lost Patrol was more like the Lost Battalion as Banana In Public pointed out that unlike Tongueless who chooses to blunder a long he had taken a map. The word “map” was magic and 5150, Mr. Bone Jangles, Twinkle Dick and Closet Twitcher along with Pied Piper all quickly enlisted in the corps. Knowing the hare’s penchant for avoiding concrete also provided help. Trail took the pack uphill, how odd, to the woods bordered by Fulton St. where the hare set off on a course of zigzags took up time and covered distance without much going anywhere. The dogs insist they taught Phone Sex how to *un because just like them PS *uns way out then right back to remind everyone that they are off trail. Phonie can easily do the same trail two or three times that way. There was the LP hearing Phonie yell, “Trail goes this way.” as they made sure not to go that way. Our hare also enjoyed the zigzag since quite cruelly he was able to watch and laugh evilly as On All 4’s and Pencil Dick passed him going in both directions. Cream Throat Willie and Do Her Well careened through the LP both desperate to “win” the hash. They had as much chance of that as the garden gnome that was passed on trail. The winding trail took in The California Academy of Science building and wound around Stow Lake giving Bitch Pimp a chance to curse hare long and loud, which she did. Tongue Depressor showed what a born hasher she is by sniffing out marks that the humans had missed. Tongueless and Fits In were happy to let her be in charge. Eventually all things good, bad and indifferent, which this trail was take your pick, come to an end and this one ended by taking the pack past the Conservatory of Flowers. The LP had long dissolved before this and 5150 and Mr. Bone Jangles were already back having had an interlude in the Men’s Room. Having successfully avoided any semblance of trail Cockulus Occulus arrived in time to assist in emptying the keg and Sacred Bucket that was filled with River Madness. Bitches Bitch came back having done the trail over while searching for Lois Lame who as usual was lamely lost on trail. When he realized Pied Piper all thoughts of LL fled. By the time the Circle was convened by T, Sword Of Power in hand, only Hand Pump was still out and as that is a usual occurrence the pack had turned to stuffing their faces and liquid refreshment. Speaking of stuffing their faces our hare provided date nut cake that he alleged to have baked himself and it was good. Pencil Dick accused T of losing control of the Circle but one cannot lose control one never had! There was some mumbling that T was microagressing Three Fingers but those mumbling should learn to tell the difference between microagreesion and the full-blown thing! 5150 had a guerilla down-down for Just Doesn’t Get It and it will allow JDGI to live up to his name. Apparently JDGI was behind DHW and asked 5150 who that guy in front was! It looks like CM won’t be the only one to remember his Bday! Cheers.