GPH3 Run #1389: A Honey of a Drink Check
: 11/21/2019
: Senior Services Center in Golden Gate Park
: Manhole
: Tongueless

Run #1389 A Honey of a Drink Check

In an attempt to recreate his last trail that he never heard the pack sing his praises Manhole started last week’s Gypsies trail from the parking lot of the Senior Services Center in Golden Gate Park. While the pack gathered our hare got to put down pints of his favorite elixir, Lagunitas Czech Pils. The taste was sweeter since the last time he laid a trail he didn’t get to drink thanks to a dead battery in his Mercedes and a two-hour wait for AAA. Bitches Bitch was crowing about his new title of “Handmaiden to Hashers Too Dumb to_______ “ you fill in the blank! Adopt A Pussy gave him a ton of business cards in case the rescued want to blame someone else for their problem and need an attorney. The hash is so great for networking, Bitch Pimp pointed out to BB that she did not need to be rescued from Qaeda Cunt’s snout in the crotch “Hello” and in fact kind of liked the sensation. When Phone Sex arrived BEFORE the pack took off Hand Pump declared it a sign of the Apocalypse. While pack members arrayed themselves around the keg Che Gayvara arrived and provided the pack with sermon from the Male Missal averring that sermons from the Gypsies’ Missals were the only acceptable religious activity. Manhole provided a chalktalk emphasizing that the pack carry money or credit cards since he was taking them past a vast shopping experience. With visions of being heroes of the economy the pack set off in search of his marks. First into the night was “Saint” Titty Boo Boo off to breath air more permeated with alcohol than estrogen as the women in his life were on the East Coast. Trail immediately took the pack out of the park and into the avenues where CSI was able to stress test her ankles and knees on the pavement. Trail took the pack up to Balboa St. with its myriad of eat and drinkeries the odors of which Tongue Depressor found absolutely transporting. So transporting were the odors that TD kept dragging Tongueless through open doors. Trail turned down 27th Ave. and took the pack back towards the park. At this point Blow Queen appeared from the darkness and crossed back into the darkness that is GG Park. On All 4s and Fits In were discussing using their phones to keep track of their not really so great-halfs. FI said she doesn’t need an app since T’s whining can’t be missed. Once back in the park the pack was treated to our hare and able assistant Bitch Pimp pouring brandy and honey shots as a drink check. No one needed to be asked twice! The pack moved steadily through the dark cuming around Spreckels Lake and around the back of the parking lot. With no picnic tables the whole shebang just got whipped out of the Outbeer and onto the parking lot. The Sacred Thermi were filled with hot cider and rum instantly fighting off the chill. Dr. Kimble was more chilled than he thought so he fought that much harder but still managed to pass the test to keep his keys. Admittedly that sobriety test was graded by Tongueless’ Penis so make of it what you will! Cuming Mutha solved the problem by handing On All 4s the car keys. OA4’s watched him and told Lois Lame that she’d just look in the backseat if she wondered where CM was. King Rongjon ambled in and partook of the Thermi and keg, once all his parts were thoroughly lubricated he took up the Sword Of Power and convened the Circle transporting the pack to Rongjon World. Jack The Ripper looked on declared the pack could now clearly see why he enjoyed being not just DFL but VERY DFL The pack filled growlers and their faces as the King railed on! Cheers.