GPH3 Run #1563: Don’t Fucking Drown!
: 08/10/2023
: The parking lot for Stow Lake Boathouse in Golden Gate Park
: Chickenboner
: Tongueless

Run #1563 Don’t Fence Me In 

Bravery thy name is Chickenboner who laid a trail from Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park just as the fucking park was being fenced in for the Outside Lands music weekend! Driving to the start was like being trapped in a maze but the Lagunitas Hazy Wonder was sending out it’s come-hither vibes making being rats in the maze worthwhile to the cheap booze hounds in the Gypsies! The Gypsies have always ascribed to its war parties coming in all sizes and this was a small one. At first the only Gypsies present were the hare, Tongueless and Fits In and Pied Piper. CB asked what kind of trail the “pack” would like and PP told her once around the lake would be fine. T told her to just lay whatever kind of trail she wanted. Daffy Fuck arrived looked at who was there and hugged the keg, tearfully mumbling, “Precious is all MINE!” Closet Twitcher leapt off his bike and locking eyes with DF announced, “I beg to differ!” CT is an educated man! By now our hare was long gone tossing flour with abandon. The pack was too curious about what kind of trail she was going to lay to bother with any religion so off they went in the direction of CB’s first arrow! When the whole pack is actually the Lost Patrol things can be interesting. Manhole fled off to be a pack of one, well, maybe two since Dr. Kimble followed him. The LP found itself torn between listening to T or following the hare’s marks. Happily, for the LP they chose the marks. Trail took the pack down Stow Lake Dr. onto Stow Lake Dr. E. At the first bridge trail crossed the lake and entered the woods circling the lake. Jack The Ripper had started late and was off being a pack of one. Trail hugged the path and with all the fog that was good. The Golden Gate Pavilion was masked in fog not that anyone cared. The main concern voiced was how sane is CB, when it comes to long trails. Wash This Asshole being not too sure made sure that he’d grabbed plenty of peanuts in case he had to follow a trail of the shells back to the beer. As the second bridge was approached the pack played hopscotch across the broken rocks trying to avoid ankles to match. Once over the bridge it was back into the woods between Stow Lake Dr. and MLK, Jr. Dr. The woods kept all occupied. Trail took the pack behind the Golden Gate Park Pioneer Log Cabin with DF turning her nose to the sky and declaring she could smell, “Precious”! Eventually the pack popped out of the woods and headed uphill on Stow Lake Dr. back to the start! The keg was placed beside the picknic table, and the Vitamin J covered all but the home of the Sacred Bucket filled with River Madness. PP had plenty of his homemade venison jerky so the pack had a chance to ingest protein as well as sugar and fat, the happy carbs! Manhole finally arrived after having done the eagle trail, well, at least in his own mind. There was no blood on trail but the way WTA was pounding the piss there was no guarantee there wouldn’t be plenty when he hopped onto his bike. CT got into a food fight with a raccoon and DF was giving odds on the raccoon! A few growlers were present, but the keg just laughed at them! The pack once again provided anecdotal evidence that a small back can outdrink a big one. Dr. K had the Bucket begging for mercy. The evening droned on and the pack pleaded, successfully, for T not to follow suit so the Sword Of Power stayed sheathed in the Outbeer. The pack showed that it could just hangout and keep drinking and shoveling Vitamin J and jerky long into the evening. The Gypsies, big pack or small, know how to ruin a Thursday! Cheers,