GPH3 Run #1575: Aren’t We All Comrades?
: 11/02/2023
: The Trailhead parking on W, Pacific Ave in the Presidio
: Che Gayvara
: Tongueless

Run #1575 Why of Course There’s Plenty of Parking! 

That old comrade Che Gayvara volunteered to lay the trail to open November for the Gypsies. In keeping with that he chose one of his old stomping grounds, the trailhead parking area on West Pacific in the Presidio. Once the Outbeer was in a parking slot wherever the rest of the pack parked was their problem. The keg of Lagunitas Hazy Wonder proved to be the usual magnet to even the outliers like Wash This Asshole who stood high above the starting spot and wandered on down to down a few pre trail pints. Tricrapalete and Wet & Sloppy neatly solved the parking problem by strolling over on foot. PhoenixH3 even provided Donkey Dildo Delight to spruce up the group. The Gypsies’ visitor provided the pack with an impactful sermon from the Male Missal once he could stop giggling! The pack was more than happy to laugh at DDD’s valiant effort to maintain a straight face, not gonna happen! Our hare, known for setting trail live had pre-laid the trail and lifted everyone’s spirits by acknowledging that it had left him a broken man! Seeing what CG considered the start Tongueless thought about carrying his health insurance card. Adopt A Pussy and Backside Banger just tapped a couple more pints to bolster their resolve. Trail started by climbing over a log in of the parking spaces and heading downhill following the flour. You might say that the start was a metaphor for the trail! Truth in advertising requires the disclaimer that no matter where the hare set his trail through the Presidio the Lost Patrol made 2 huge errors, 1. They followed Hand Pump until he turned back into the woods when 2. They followed Pied Piper’s assurances that “The trail MUST go this way!”. Admittedly HP said he had no idea where he was going but trust is an odd thing! Okay true trail did go back into the Presidio and its woods. Apparently, it exited at the Lyon Street Gate and went out a few blocks before going downhill and coming back into the Presidio where it wound hither and yon through housing and the woods. The chances of falling and leaving blood and brains on trail was absolutely thrilling to the likes of Blow Queen who leaped over roots and rocks like a ballet dancer. Pastel Gazelle and Just Fuck Off reveled in the amount of sweat that drenched their fevered bodies as they *an through the dark! But enough about reality, let’s get back to the dream! The LP followed marks along W. Pacific Ave. and when the marks petered out, they listened to PP saying the trail must have come up along Arguello so if we go there we’ll cut trail. To be honest T backed PP to the hilt, now there is a commendation to conjure with. Fits In was wiggling her head like a bobblehead doll on meth but no one paid attention to the one sane person. Well, Tricrapalete was nursing an injury so with the LP bobble headed some himself. Manhole was seen but he soon disappeared, going back to look for the real world. This isn’t to say that the LP never found another mark, they did. They took Arguello to Washington and turned onto Washington. The belief that they would find a trail mark at every street corner kept them moving. When they got to Presidio Ave. the jig was up and back they headed to the start.

The  miniscule parking area meant the Cloak Of Invisibility was set between cars and the keg cleverly concealed. The Vitamin J was heaped onto the Cloak the Sacred Bucket was brimming with Yellow Peril. Udder Moron drank deep of the Bucket increasing his chances of living up to his name. Hand Pump roared with laughter at the idea that anyone would follow him! 5150 was there ready and waiting for the clock to strike “growler time”! T eventually took up the Sword Of Power and reeling around convened the Circle. Suddenly no one cared that they were standing in the middle of the road risking death, just as long as they weren’t near T! When called forth and “requested” to entertain the pack DDD took the easy way out and the, um, comparison to a donkey was apparent! Tri likes to claim that Wet And Sloppy averted her eyes, hey, we believe you. The lone minion of the law who cruised close took no interest in the pack and left the scene. The pack then devolved back to wherever they called home or bar! Cheers.