GPH3 Run #1581: Your Favorite Swedish Meatball!
: 12/14/2023
: 21st Ave. and Wawona St. at Stern Grove
: Blow Queen
: Tongueless

Run #1581 Even Queens Blow!

Blow Queen picked up the torch and laid a trail for the Gypsies from one of their favorite starts, Stern Grove at 20th Ave. and Wawona St. Stern Grove has a great free music festival in the summer and a fantastic dog *un. The Outbeer slid into a parking space and the keg of Lagunitas Little Sumpin Sumpin was tapped. Adopt A Pussy finds that piss not to his taste so he bequeathed his share to Backside Banger and Daffy Fuck who wept in gratitude, the Gypsies get emotional where beer is concerned. In keeping with the family nature of the Gypsies, Banana In Public brought his baby son who burbled sweetly from his pram! Of course, by the end of the evening E=MC Fucked was begging to at least share the pram, also in the nature of the Gypsies! Our hare put Dr. Kimble’s mind to rest by alleging the trail would not be insanely difficult to follow or absurdly treacherous. Dr. Kimble is a trusting soul! Chickenboner listened attentively then turned and put a finger down her throat to simulate gagging. CB is more of a realist than Dr. K. All the milling around the keg wasn’t getting the pack anywhere so Just Sydney returned to the pulpit last held by her at Thanksgiving. Once more she put her heart into preaching a cleansing sermon from the Family “Friendly” Missal. BIP especially appreciated the sermon being family “friendly”. Wash This Asshole kept fingers firmly stuck in his ears to protect the purity of his mind. Speaking of family, JS brought her sister Just Erin to experience the pleasures of an evening with the Gypsies. On that note BQ sent the gathered throng into the darkness in search of the white flour blobs and chalk arrows he’d prepared. Trail took the pack through the gates into the park and turned right onto the nearest trail. The marks led the pack on a zig-zag course downhill. Roots grabbed at ankles but even Hand Pump and Tongueless managed to get to the bottom without bloodshed. Trail continued past the clubhouse that was the worse for wear thanks to a fallen tree. Trail continued through the dog run area where Manhole found it hard to keep moving with all those pooches present. The way MH kept his head twisted backwards Wet & Sloppy averred that he looked like he should be in a remake of the Exorcist! Trail took the pack steeply up through the parking entrance on Crestlake Dr. and crossed Sloat Blvd. As it passed a sober living homes area Pied Piper looked like vampire exposed to garlic! The pack found itself facing a backcheck and found trail once again crossing Emerald Lane to Everglade Dr. and the shiny object of Lakeshore Plaza Shopping Mall. Just to clarify, Fits In was not vacuumed into the shops although, truth be told she did spend some time looking in the Petco window. Trail continued down Sloat and the pack crossed at Sunset. At that point an argument ensued between T and Hand Pump over the fastest way back to the keg. The Lost Patrol opted for shorter and steeper to allow for more keg time while the likes of Just Fuck Off opted for true trail. The LP took Yorba to Wawona and turned towards home. Actually, they crossed true trail and TriCrapalete raised a triumphal fist in his judgement being exonerated & just got back to the keg quicker. The Cloak Of Invisibility was draped over the keg and the Vitamin J appeared along with the Sacred Thermi filled with mulled wine to ward off the chill! Tears Of Semen was happy to keep warding off that chill! BQ declared the mulled wine drinkable, a Swede should know! T took up the Sword Of Power and convened the Circle, down-downs were dispensed. When called forth to entertain the pack Just Erin was less bold than Just Sydney had been and opted for dancing and singing to a country song played on her phone! The keg kept the pack occupied and the Sacred Thermi started to take their toll.  Happily, BIP remembered his pram and only had to evict Hose Blower who had somehow mistaken it for his motorcycle. Jack The Ripper was quick to point out that, well, “both have wheels!” It proved to be that kind of night. Cheers.