GPH3 Run #1594: St. Patrick Never Envisioned This!
: 03/14/2024
: 25th Ave. MLK, Jr. Drive in Golden Gate Park
: The Mild BunchBackside BangerAdopt A PussyManholeDaffy Fuck & The Thinker
: Tongueless

Run #1594 Just Follow the Bouncing Ball!

The St. Patrick’s Day Trail for the Gypsies was laid by that collage of half minds Backside Banger, Adopt A Pussy, who claims he was kidnapped and forced to go along, Manhole, who apparently set some portion of the trail then showing good sense fled the scene and Daffy Fuck who was really the Ma Barker to Backside Banger’s Dillinger! The merry band of outlaws brought the pack together in Golden Gate Park at 25th Ave and MLK, Jr. Dr. where a picnic table was just waiting to be theirs once, of course the normal family with a dog had been driven out by the religious service carried out by visiting hasher Endangered Feces from North Carolina. While the pack pounded pints of Guinness from the Sacred Cooler they were provided a sermon from the Male Missal that left Pedifido, also from NC wondering if bestiality was indeed best. Naturally she turned to Choke Me, Daddy and Exaggerated Crack who were holding the Gypsies’ favorite, the proudest of Pitties, Yank Me Daddy aka Tonic. While they were shocked by the question, Wash This Asshole chimed in, as he is wont, to say he’d once read an article or maybe it was a podcast that bestiality is indeed best. The, um, circle around WTA grew wider. Interestingly, none of our putative hares were present, rumor had it that they were all off setting something more or less trailish. Eventually the hares or at least 3 of them arrived. AAP carried a placard reading, “I had nothing to do with this”. Backside Banger extolled not only how easy the trail was, but the myriad of pub stops. Being the intellectual in the gang, Daffy Fuck treated the pack to a letter written by James Joyce to his wife describing how much he loved to fuck her until she farted. On that note the pack was turned loose. Pied Piper, WTA, E=MC Fucked and others clinging to their sanity headed straight to the Little Shamrock, and off they went down MLK, Jr. Dr. Foolishly Tongueless, Fits In and Bitch Pimp opted to actually look for the trail. The trail they followed was set with a tennis ball covered in flour. It was either Manhole or DF who bounced that ball. Trail went down Transverse Dr. to JFK Dr. and turned right and then it went on and on and on. At some point Chickenboner came flying past with Whose Your Daddy’s ex-wife’s dog. BP dropped back to try to book a flight ticket for her boy toy and the old folks trundled on. Somewhere around the California Academy of Sciences the trail was lost by T and FI. BP wandered around the museums and actually found a mark that went nowhere so she headed cross-country to the Shamrock where lo and behold she found the revelers who included Cuming Mutha exercising common sense. Our doddering old folks gave up the ghost and followed trail back. BP was in constant contact and not wanting to be alone in the park, *an back down Lincoln while phoning in her progress to the geezers. As you can well imagine 5 Angry Inches found the trail easily and *an it several times to get his milage. Eventually BP got her car and drove off looking for the geezers, she found them about a block from the start but insisted they ride with her. The pack was back and already at the picnic table when T threw a snit as only, he can about no one helping to unload the car. Dr. Kimble suggested a few of the stronger among the pack help or grab another bottle and watch T stroke out. It was a smidge unseemly for Pastel Gazelle to be chanting “Stroke, stroke, stroke” and Just Fuck Off shoved some chips into his gob. Cheese Turd was his usual late arrival. The Sacred Thermi were filled with FI’s Irish Coffee made of course with Jameson’s and large bowl of real whipped cream was there to top it off. Our hares completely redeemed the trail by providing corned beef and cabbage for sandwiches and apple cake for dessert. The Guinness disappeared and the pack was stuffed. All in all, a fine way to celebrate the snakes being driven out of Ireland. Cheers.