GPH3 Run #1606: D Day in San Francisco
: 06/06/2024
: The SS Jeremiah O’Brien at the navy gate north of the main Pier 35 roll-up doors. These are the Hare’s directions so don’t bitch at me.
: Backside Banger
: Tongueless

Run #1606 Not the Beginning of the End but the End of the Beginning!

Backside Banger who, while he doesn’t claim to be Churchillian does bear a certain waistline resemblance to the stateman, felt it only fitting that he lay the Gypsies’ trail on June 6 commemorating D Day. It was equally fitting that he chose to start the trail from the SS. Jeremiah O’Brien a Liberty Ship, and D Day survivor, docked in San Francisco. Now don’t take that last bit as gospel, since it’s been reported that the actual start was somewhere nearby. Not to denigrate his effort the trail apparently involved some, um, lack of coordination similar to but without the fatal results of the original. Parking is at a premium when there is parking near Kearny and the Embarcadero at Pier 45. Dr. Kimble handled the problem very neatly by ringing the Sec. of the Navy who made sure Dr. K had a primo space,  remember it’s who you know and all that! Our hare actually had the gate open for a select few who can never be named. Pastel Gazelle, Just Fuck Off, Cuming Mutha and On All 4s, um, were you recipients of our hare’s largeass, oops, largesse? The truth be told, the truth, um, now there is a weird concept to associate with Tongueless, neither T nor Fits In were even there so this version of the Trash is a combination of T's fevered brain and the reportage of Adopt A Pussy whose memory may be suspect! Well, ya get what ya pay for and in this case the money collected by Manhole went as a donation to the SS. Jeremiah O’Brien, who by the way supplied the piss the pack drank! Backside Banger is a firm proponent of “never get too far from the beer” so his trails rarely pass any pub that is open without entering and offering them the value of a pack that appreciates the availability of alcohol. Our hare’s trails also put a premium on survival not speed, too bad for PG and JFO. 5 Angry Inches considered the trail a “blink” trail, blink once and you’re back at the start! The trail was more accommodating to Twinkle Dick since he could use the toilet in a number of pubs and not have to hold it till he got back to the ship! There is an ugly rumor that T is of course more than happy to spread that the pack got lost, oh wow, what a first that would be, that the hares were drunk and couldn’t remember the actual start, ditto, and that the pack was told to *un the trail backwards so they could find the start! Of course, once the pack had staggered up the gangway to the deck and the hot dogs were being grilled and the piss was flowing Backwash and Coculus Oculus found they couldn’t remember being on trail anyway. By the end of the evening E=MC Fucked was living up to his name! Wash This Asshole may have provided his chicken skewers, or not, who knows! Hand Pump wept with pleasure over not having any garbage to carry back and, amazingly, Pied Piper managed getting down the gangway and not headfirst, wow! Feel free to fact check this missive with anyone who can remember, or care to remember, the evening. Cheers.