GPH3 Run #1609: The Year the Lake Got Woke!
: 06/27/2024
: The Boathouse at Stow Lake now called Blue Heron Lake
: Chickenboner aka the Gypsies’ Queen
: Tongueless

Run #1609 Wet on the Inside is Better!

Chickenboner was back in the saddle for the Gypsies, and she was riding them hard from the Boathouse at the newly renamed Blue Heron Lake in Golden Gate Park. Once again, the civilians had to find parking elsewhere but then once they see the Gypsies they really don’t mind moving on. Backside Banger and Adopt A Pussy could make careers out of being “parking gnones”. Fits In slid the Outbeer into a space that fit tighter than OJ’s glove! Standing there was Lifa from SeoulH3 looking lost, poor devil, he took the 6:15pm start time won’t happen again! Milling around the Outbeer for some of the Lagunitas Hazy Wonder IPA is a skill that Pastel Gazelle has mastered, if it was an Olympic sport he’d be top dog on the Podium. Our hare arrived and requested input on how long to make the trail. There was considerable discussion leading of course nowhere so off Chickenboner shot to please herself and the wankers be damned. Clearly the lazy wastrels needed something to stir their souls as much as the piss addled their brains. Stepping to the fore Lifa, a true hasher,  took up the Male Missal and in a voice like thunder delivered some old-time religion to the needy. By the time he was done the pack was, if not cleansed, at least less dirty! Wash This Asshole was so moved that he dropped to his knees and began speaking in tongues. Who’s Your Daddy looked down at him and scoffed, “That’s just the piss talking!” There was nothing left to do but initiate a hot pursuit of the hare. Well, hot pursuit if you’re talking about Cuming Mutha, PG and Just Fuck Off, even Hose Blower and his new flame Wham, Bam, Thank You Tam! Speaking of Wham etc., her name does have the saving grace that it’s so long it will never be yelled across a pub when it’s her shout, a real money saver there! Per usual our hare took the pack on a tour of trails, museums, and lakes. Our hare knows how to lay a trail so that all and sundry come back at least alive and hopefully while there is still piss in the keg. Magnum, Not I put in a valiant effort to get lost but our hare outfoxed him. At least he got to mumble some lines from Hamlet as the passed through the Shakespeare Garden. Speaking of valiant efforts, On All 4s did her best to keep the wankers of the Lost Patrol together and on course through the National AIDS Memorial Grove. Twinkle Dick was annoyed that there were no “Who’s Your Daddy quality” restrooms on the trail but he knew there was one back at the start so he held himself in check! Trail bounced back out just before the Rhododendron Dell and followed on past the De Young Museum before heading back on dirt past the Pioneer Log Cabin and back to the start. There is a picnic table, and it was soon covered with Vitamin J and a Sacred Bucket filled with Sea Breezes to cool down the overheated pack. Bitch Pimp practically wept as she found packs of Crunchy Cheetos in the Vitamin J. 5150 made a life-threatening mistake when he foolishly inquired if he could have one. Okay, fire did not actually come out of BP’s mouth but 5150 looked pretty singed by her reply. Tongueless may have brought forth the Sword Of Power and might have convened a Circle but no one remembers and even if they do wouldn’t want to admit it. Cheers.