GPH3 Run #1611: The Mother Of Hashes Has a Bday
: 07/11/2024
: Unknown
: Tongueless more or less
: Tongueless

Run #1611 A Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight!

Fits In’s birthday was hot, hot, hot with a sweat stained pack of Gypsies enjoying the, um, warmth of the “Mother of Hashes” in the yard at Chez Fits In and Tongueless in Novato. Tongueless offered to set the trail and then suckered 5150 into co-haring which where T is concerned means doing the scut work! 5150 arrived late as usual and the somewhat less than dynamic duo set off to lay the trail. The sun was high in the sky, and it was 100°. Of course, the giant minds did have a water bottle, one for both of them! Suffice it to say that our hares survived, still, it was a near *un thing with 5150 laying the last bit while T reclined with the vapors. If proof was ever needed that it only takes half a mind to hash, even less in the Gypsies, it could be found in the pack actually showing up to *un trail on one of the hottest days of the year. No Blow Ho did point out that by the time the pack set off it was no longer 100°, true it was a mere 90° All Orville Redencocker from the PortlandH3 needed was a pat of butter on his head and nature would have taken care of the rest. As the pack gathered in the yard the keg of Lagunitas IPA was especially popular, it was ice cold! Pied Piper just tapped the keg and and treated the tap like he was breastfeeding! Butt Plug Fred suggested the pack not whine, it was hotter in the east bay, Hose Blower allowed that it can always get worse, thanks to T and 5150 it was about to! There was already more than enough hot air so religion was abjured in favor of drowning in their own sweat and the pack was off. Trail took the pack down Larch to Redwood and uphill over a bicycle path at the end of Redwood, the first insult. Not to worry since it was as steep coming down as going up. Trail returned to Redwood Blvd past an assortment of condo complexes some of which had checks. Cuming Mutha assuming the cruelest of intentions from our hares got to know the ins and outs of said complexes until it dawned on him that there was nowhere to actually get out of the complexes and that every check went straight! In the heat that realization and his imparting it was a smile producer on the lips of On All 4s and many others. When the pack came to the check at Scottsdale Pond the equation was changed. 5150 had been mesmerized by the water and felt the pack should view it so he took them around. Dr. Kimble felt he should stay on trail even though he was melting, and Backwash followed his lead, not the wisest choice BW has ever made. Trail turned on Rowland Blvd and took the pack back to South Novato Blvd and back to the start. As the survivors arrived in the yard, they were met by Qaeda Cunt and Just Liwan who were in ecstasy and could barely decide whose sweat tasted better, Just Fuck Off or Pastel Gazelle, both dripping wet. Not that  he was sweating but Hand Pump didn’t so much walk into the yard as float in like a piece of driftwood. Goes Down Easy was more than a little taken aback as Me, Me, Me grabbed the tap and turned the keg into an impromptu shower! Even Just Stacey found it odd, not that it stopped her from pulling a pint immediately after. The pack was working its way through the Vitamin J when Fits In produced 2 sandwich platters from Forks and Fingers causing the locusts to swarm! The pack was busy washing the sandwiches down with the Sacred Bucket of Yellow Peril when the piece de resistance arrived in the form a chocolate mousse cake from Creekside Bakery. It was a hot time and not just because of the weather. Cheers.