SFH3 Run #1272
: 07/23/2007
: McCoppin Square, Taraval at 22nd Avenue
: Prances with Wolves
: 6t/wk|t.less

Tasty Snatch, Urethra Franklin and Prances with Wolves .... threw a 'run' worthy of Lewis and Clark

... and everyone got lost.
The walkers -- got lost
The Runners - got lost
If you had a 'map' -- you got lost.

The word on the street is that Tasty Snatch was the one who set the trail through uncharted the Poison Oak Forest. What is up with the Harry Potter meets Blair Poison Oak Project? We want scenic vistas (*read: make out spots) -- not the next Unibomber cabin location. The pack survived -- owever there was a lot of itching later in the week.

There was a lot of swearing on trail. Apparently our brains treat 'dirty words' differently than other words. In early childhood crying is an acceptable way to relieve stress and anxiety. As adults we need an outlet for strong emotions - that's where profanity becomes !@#$ useful.http://people.howstuffworks.com/swearing.htm

The view for the beer check was makeout worthy. Great job! and it was the perfect location to begin a potential naming. What do you guys make of an environmental lawyer who asks men ... without a trace of remorse ... to "harass your member". Clearly we have some misguided concepts of who does what to whom. Where is the love? What does she say to women? Is this leagaleze for 'not tonight honey'?

When in doubt about naming: turn to pornography. www.thegamegods.net/2007/07/23/top-69-worst-porn-movie-names/

... and speaking about naming and Pornography... we have a newly named member. The member formerly known as 'Greg' is now 'Tastes like Cum". He hates the name. Thus in hash tradition - it is perfect.

There was a circle. A lot of mosquitoes bit me. The beer was great.

See you next week.

your loyal GM