Click Here to Rego!!!
Cum celebrate your favorite whore..ors in the hashiest way possible – a San Francisco weekend of drunken debauchery! Join us for a full three days of spooookey costumes, shitty trails, a steady flow of BEER, booze, food (orange and otherwise), and parties, all culminating in a stumble down a historic San Francisco r*ce!
Friday - the 69th (Whore-or films & tropes) This is your chance to pay homage to your favorite scary films and the tropes make them great. Was that the hare that ran off into the night, or a masked killer? Is the on-after just an abandoned house, or a cabin in the woods? It’s a great night to bring virgins – they might just be the only survivors!
Saturday - Scare your pants off! (ABC: Anything But Clothes) There’s something about fear that makes us want to rip off all our clothes. There’s only one solution: no clothes allowed! You can be as creative or as minimalist as you want with your ABC attire, but don’t even think about wearing pants. Editor's note: please keep your naughty bits covered in public!
Sunday - Only here for the boo-ze (Creatures) Get back to basics with the classic Hashoween creatures. Brew-tiful witches, sheet-faced ghouls, and vamps that don’t suck are all welcome here. Because at the end of the day, whether we’re freaky, silly, or scary, we’re mostly just here for the boo-ze.
Rego Prices
3-Day Rego
February 10th - March 13th: $139
March 14th - April 13th: $169
April 14th - May 11th: $179*
May 11th - May 15th: $199*
At the door: $215*
1-Day Rego
Single day price pre register: $69**
Single Day ticket also available at door: $79**
* Giveaway not guaranteed after April 14th ** No givaways for single day registrations.
Registration tickets are transferrable but NOT refundable. If you cannot make the event and wish to transfer a rego please email the SFH3 GMs at PGEgc3R5bGU9InRleHQtZGVjb3JhdGlvbjogbm9uZTsiIGhyZWY9Im1haWx0bzpnbXNAc2ZoMy5jb20iPjxzcGFuIHN0eWxlPSJmb250LXNpemU6IDEzLjMzMzNweDsgZm9udC1mYW1pbHk6IFZlcmRhbmE7IGNvbG9yOiAjMTE1NWNjOyBiYWNrZ3JvdW5kLWNvbG9yOiB0cmFuc3BhcmVudDsgZm9udC1zdHlsZTogbm9ybWFsOyBmb250LXZhcmlhbnQtbGlnYXR1cmVzOiBub3JtYWw7IGZvbnQtdmFyaWFudC1jYXBzOiBub3JtYWw7IHRleHQtZGVjb3JhdGlvbjogdW5kZXJsaW5lOyB2ZXJ0aWNhbC1hbGlnbjogYmFzZWxpbmU7IHdoaXRlLXNwYWNlOiBwcmUtd3JhcDsiPmdtc0BzZmgzLmNvbTwvc3Bhbj48L2E+.
What does my registration get me?
SHITTY TRAILS! Pub crawl/Turkey/Eagle options on Friday Pub crawl/Turkey/Eagle/Ballbuster options on Saturday, Walkers stumble on Sunday*
BEER! Lots of beer, orange food, and snacks on all trails!
PARTIES! On-after entry (pay for you own beer, food) on Friday Venue entry, dinner and drinks on Saturday Venue entry, lunch and drinks on Sunday
SWAG! Envy inducing giveaway* (*with 3 day rego)
*Race-ists wishing to r*n the official SF Bay to Breakers full course, please register for the race separately. You will be welcummed and duly punished at the Sunday venue after you finish.
12 Days of Hashing*
Are you a race-ist? Are you cumming early? Do you like patches?
Then joing us for 12 days of hashing! SFH3 joins forces with our neighboring kennels to host twelve days of hashing. They will be hashes of all types so cum prepared (and often!)! (Check our calendar for detailed information)
Sleep with a hasher Want to stay with a hasher instead of paying for a hotel? Fill out the Crash Space Guest Form. If you have an extra bed and can host please fill out the Crash Space Host Form. Any issues contact PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOkd1ZXN0U2VydmljZXJAc2ZoMy5jb20iPkd1ZXN0U2VydmljZXJAc2ZoMy5jb208L2E+).
Stay at a Hostel/Hotel For those looking to book hostels/hotels, please stay tuned and check back here for updates.