Hand Pump Workday ​
Saturday, October 18, 2014, 9:00 am
: Yosemite Marsh
: Hand Pump
: Free
And now for something completely different and actually important.  As some of you know and have experienced, many of you wankers join me on Saturdays to do some volunteer work in the SF Parks we hash through.  This month the drought has caused there to be no workday on Bernal Hill, not even the weeds can find any water.  As the crew saw last Saturday, the blackberries at Yosemite Marsh don't seem to mind the drought.
I have something like permission to hold an unsupervised workday this Saturday back at the Marsh.  We will concentrate only on the blackberries.  If you can make it, bring your own gloves(heavy duty if you have them) and tools.  The most effective would be loppers and clippers, spades and rakes.  I will have some extra gloves and tools.  The object of this work is twofold.  First, to get rid of the invasive species.  Second, to open up the views in the Marsh area and end the homeless encampments that spring up there.  Yosemite Marsh is unique, and the City is recognizing this.  SFPUC has plans to 'daylight' a number of sections of Yosemite Creek.  The Marsh is part of the historic headwaters of the creek which flows (currently underground) to the SF Bay at Yosemite Slough.  While these workdays are usually rain or shine, you should keep an eye on the hashers e-mail in case the heavens open up.  It is a marsh and some of the slopes will be unworkable in real rain.
If you can RSVP, that would be helpful.  I need to make sure I have enough BEER.  You can reply to this e-mail or find my contact info on the mismanagement page of the sfh3 website.
ON-ON !!!
Hand Pump 

Last updated almost 3 years ago.