GPH3 Run #1510: Put Pied Piper Out to Pasture!
: 08/04/2022
: Marin at the parking lot for Blackie’s Pasture on Tiburon Blvd.
: Pied Piper
: Tongueless

Run #1510 Putting Pied Piper Out to Pasture

Pied Piper kicked off the days of summer for the Gypsies with a trail from Blackie’s Pasture in Tiburon. This necessitated crossing of the Golden Gate Bridge over all that water. Those who made it to the parking lot were greeted with a keg of Lagunitas Little Sumpin Sumpin that made the trek worthwhile. This was especially true when they saw the envy on the faces of the civilians milling about. Poor Adopt A Pussy’s tum doesn’t like Little Sumpin but not to worry, that just means Backside Banger’s tum gets to hold twice as much The pack included LCB who is a blast from the past who trucked over from the east bay, and his hound Just Goggles! LCB graced the pack with a sermon from the Traveling Missal. The parking lot was silent as civilians tried to listen without appearing to be listening. On the other hand a woman parked next to the Outbeer lifted her dog and both saluted the pack and its minister. Dick Ass Mother Fucker allowed that the sermon left him wetter than the ferry ride across the bay! Pied Piper gave a chalktalk that left Hand Pump wishing he’d finished his will. Our hare turned the pack loose to search for marks and the Lost Patrol suddenly grew to make up most of the pack. Foolishly they put themselves in the hands of Tongueless who insisted he could navigate them to a pub in Tiburon that involved no elevation gain. There were as usual those made of sterner stuff, Manhole, Hand Pump and Princess Slut aka Me Me Me set off in search of true trail and heart pounding elevation gains. Not to put too fine a point on it but even Jack The Ripper followed in the footsteps of the LP. Trail led all concerned out of the parking lot and on to the Tiburon Historical trail, now with riff raff mixing with the good citizens of Tiburon turned it into the Tiburon Hysterical Trail. Passing the Richardson Bay Sanitary District is the closest Wash This Asshole has ever come to being clean, but that’s another story! Trail took the pack past McKegney Green to parallel the bay. As the trail passed the Tennis Club those who wished to indulge in self-abuse turned on Rockhill Road, took their lives in their hands and crossed Tiburon Blvd. The saner mumbled a prayer for them and kept heading for a pub in downtown Tiburon. Fits In pointedly made it clear to T that he’d led the LP astray and they were now all doing an Eagle trail albeit a flat one! Oops! On that note and the rest of the song that they needed to get back to unpack the Outbeer for the pack, so they’d have piss at the end, T and FI turned back. LCB with Just Goggles, BackSide, DAMF, AAP and JTR continued down the path. The path of least resistance turned out to be about 5 miles anyway! Back at the start the keg was tapped and covered by the Cloak Of Invisibility which was covered with Vitamin J. Princess Slut had already been and gone complaining of cold but late arriving 5150 swears it was really because she found out that WTA hadn’t cooked up a pot of savory oats for her to slurp. Sadly there was nothing but empty, good tasting calories to choose from. The Sacred Thermi filled with hot cider and rum were produced and as the pack drifted back they warmed their throats. Manhole actually did the entire Eagle trail and lived to tell about it. MH was the only one who actually did it. The rest of the pack was interested in finding some rope to hang T since they never found a pub. Fits In just laughed at the idea that they’d trusted T. As usual a small pack proved devastating to the keg and Thermi. The thousands of growlers produced by 5150 surely helped in the devastation. WTA once again produced the fart that heralded the death of the keg! AAP found that the hot cider and rum took care of his alcohol needs and didn’t miss the piss. A fine evening was had by those who made the trek. Cheers.