GPH3 Run #1511: Mind the Gap!
: 08/11/2022
: The Presidio at the Immigrant Point Overlook
: Tricrapalete
: Tongueless

Run #1511 Tricrapalete Makes a Point!

Tricrapalete is always mindful of the views the Gypsies get on his trails so he called the pack to the Immigrant Point Overlook in the Presidio. The approach to the start is off a Slow Street for local traffic only so of course every car shot straight down the street past the barriers. There’s parking for about 6 cars at the Overlook but plenty of parking along the road itself. The Outbeer was steered to the edge of the overlook and Pied Piper could barely contain himself as he tapped the keg of Lagunitas Hazy Wonder. The pack arrived in its usual dribs and drabs looking like a convention no one in their right mind would want to attend but then it’s the Gypsies we’re talking about. Just Elkin who thanks to the Whine and Chowder Society is now Peg Me And Lace Me, a 20 foot pole would be too short to touch that one, gives you an idea of the “quality” of the pack. Tonya Hardon the Don Quixote of the East BayH3 was there with Twerkses Like Xerxes her Sancho Panza. Throwing any hope of maintaining a decent reputation Cockulus Oculus cast her lot with the Gypsies and poor Just Yoshi found himself along for the ride and the keg, a pleasant ride as JY found out! Adopt A Pussy was still going easy on the keg guaranteeing that Backside Banger could ride it even harder, and both were there at the pleasure of Manhole who scooped them up off the street and delivered then to the foot of the keg. Hard as it is to believe there were actually civilians there for the amazing views and not the view of the pack. TLX stepped to the fore and provided a sermon from the Nameless Missal that even had Yank Me, Daddy writhing on the ground. At least in his case he was just scratching his back. Closet Twitcher had no such excuse! Our hare provided a chalktalk and sent the pack off in search of marks that would make them Eagles of Turkeys.  TC took the Lost Patrol under his wing and off they set. No sooner had the pack crossed the road than first blood on trail, not the last to be sure, was shed by Jack The Ripper! Trail *an through the woods to Compton Rd. and the housing there. At this point there was a split with some of the LP actually further over. Just Jeorgina sacrificed herself to bring them back to reality. This all happened because our hare and JJ were in a typically Hashian dispute over the quality of her arrows, really, talk about splitting hares! Once the pack was back on the dirt arrows were not the issue. Just Fuck Off was actually with the LP thanks to an ankle injury and as they passed more housing, she single handedly made the miscreants appear more palatable. Some locals even raised their shades! You can imagine how quickly those shades came back down as King Bed Bug passed. Chickenboner swears she could hear bolts being thrown and people inside praying as Tongueless approached. Hand Pump was adding to the blood on trail. Our hare wisely kept the pack on the dirt to keep civilians from calling the police. One Night Only who lives in the Presidio was happy to avoid the SWAT teams a pack can lead to. Not that any SWAT team has failed to fall under the spell of her baked goods. As the pack finally exited the shiggy T contributed the last of the blood on trail. As the pack tried to help the old man off the cement it could have been mistaken for a scene from the 3 Stooges but with many more stooges. Fits In was stunned that T managed to both not hit his head and not be trampled by his would-be saviors. As the halt, lame, and incompetent managed to wend the final distance back to the start the reunited pack was treated to a sunset to die for. The Overlook was jammed with civilians including happily dancing children. 5 Angry Inches arrived from work having *un some unconscionable distance to get there. 5150 somehow managed to shoehorn his car into a parking space and commenced to drinking. The keg was set in front of a stonewall and the Sacred Bucket filled with Stone Fences was placed atop the wall along with the Vitamin J. As Dr. Kimble observed all the drinking wounded, he mentioned that he was open for business. Ultrahead who arrived late also offered medical assistance, the difference being UH knew what she was talking about. When the Stone Fences disappeared, they were replaced with Greyhounds. Who’s Your Daddy and Missed Delivery put enough of them away to qualify for walking DUIs. Cheese Turd pedaled up and being sober was unable to truly appreciate the wisdom being expounded by Exaggerated Crack. Federal Police patrolling the Presidio passed by very quickly. Once the growlers appeared the keg gave one last sigh and died. The Sacred Bucket went home empty, and the pack went its merry way much the better for their experience.  Cheers