GPH3 Run #1507: Even a Manhole Can Be Artsy Fartsy
: 07/14/2022
: The parking lot at Portola Dr. and O’Shaughnessy Blvd. in front of the Ruth Azawa School of the Arts
: Manhole
: Tongueless

Run #1507 An Evening in the Antarctic!

It’s summer in San Francisco so freezing your ass off is to be expected but Manhole started his trail for the Gypsies from the parking lot on Portola and O’Shaughnessy in front of the Ruth Azawa School for the Arts where glaciers have been spotted! Still, it was a bit excessive for Choke Me, Daddy and Exaggerated Crack to have Yank Me Daddy wearing crampons on his paws. Who’s Your Daddy made the connection of the date with the storming of the Bastille and wore a red beret to show his support of that whole July 14 thing. Happily, the keg of Lagunitas Hazy Wonder flowed freely and as usual a few pints and the weather went out the window! Pied Piper handled the religious needs of the pack with a sermon from the Male Missal that won the approval of Damien The Antichrist. PP’s sermon warmed PotHo to the point of melting the icicles that had formed on her nose! Our hare provided the pack with a chalktalk discussing the magnificent views in store for them and sent the pack off on its latest adventure. Manhole stood with the Lost Patrol just in case Tongueless needed the defibrillator on trail. Fits In thanked him for that kindness since T was too heavy for her to lift and FI doubted that she could do a precordial thump hard enough to help! Just Ted Aka The Other Bastard offered to let her borrow his tire iron if she thought that would help her pound the old geezer. T thanked the trio for their votes of confidence! Our hare’s kindness did give the LP some idea about what to expect on trail! As the pack departed our visitors from the White HouseH3, Itchy Bitchy Spider and KY Belly noted that Just Fuck Off was wearing enough clothes to survive a night on the summit of Everest and wondered if they had perhaps miscalculated. Marks appeared at the end of the parking lot and took all concerned back up O’Shaughnessy and across Portola Dr. Trail turned onto Midcrest Way and up went the pack. No one really knows why Dr. Kimble was so thrilled that trail passed the SF Birth and Placenta Encapsulator but even Just Jeorgina commented on his grin! Trail continued to climb city streets that had “view” in their names until it climbed Maryview Way and turned up, yes up, the trail towards Twin Peaks Blvd. The higher the trail climbed the clearer it became that the Eagle/Turkey split was going to involve wings and nosebleeds. Adopt A Pussy and Backside Banger became concerned and began to seriously contemplate where they could stop for a pint and food. The wankers, oops, walkers rounded Eureka Peak on the Twin Peaks Blvd. trail and the crazy brave just followed marks around the peaks. On its descent trail took the pack past the Twin Peaks Reservoir which actually had water in it. At the last second Tricrapalete came to his senses and did not take the plunge! With shiggy in their shoes to prove what they had done the Eagle those Eagles, um, well kind of Eagles, WYD and Hand Pump actually reached pavement again. At this point what had gone up came down rapidly and sent the pack homeward bound. Back at the start Cheese Turd and Wash This Asshole arrived on their bicycles. When WTA spotted that red beret, his eyes lit up and he asked WYD if he could borrow it the next time a trail went through Sperm Alley; WTA believes it pays to advertise, and the red beret would be so much easier than constantly flipping his hair! The keg was tapped and the Cloak Of Invisibility covered with Vitamin J concealed it from prying eyes. The Sacred Bucket was filled with Greyhounds for those feeling racy and for those who needed something warmer our hare provided a big thermos of his homemade cider. The weather got colder and foggier while the pack just got foggier! 5150 arrived towing a trailer full of growlers. 5150 is a waste not want not kind of guy! Out came the Sword Of Power and T declared the Circle open. The down-downs were from the Sacred Bucket and those Greyhounds had T aroooing away since he was the stunt liver for Itchy Bitchy Spider. Jerk Your Daddy was decorated with a pink Mohawk making him look especially ferocious and then of course he leaned in to get petted by yet another conquest. The keg farted and died but the pack continued to suck down the Bucket and Manhole’s cider. A fine evening was probably had by at least most. Cheers.