GPH3 Run #1514: Is Your Daddy Old?
: 09/01/2022
: The parking lot for behind the Golden Gate Park Senior Center at Fulton between 36th and 37th Ave
: Who’s Your Daddy
: Tongueless

Run #1514 Old Folks at Home!

Who’s Your Daddy kicked off September with a Gypsies trail that started in the parking lot behind the Senior Citizens Center in Golden Gate Park off of Fulton and 37th Ave. This was fitting because so many of the Gypsies are doddering old folk! Speaking of old folk, Chickless Boner climbed out of his coffin long enough to cum and see if there was virginal blood available! Of course, at this point CB would settle for any blood but he was reduced to sucking Lagunitas StereoHopic out of the keg! To be sure it’s not as though there were no virgins available, in fact thanks to Just Joshua, CB should have hit the trifecta since JJ convinced 3 Times A Virgin a more or less Whine and Chowder Society harriette to cum! As if CB’s cuming wasn’t enough of a blast from the past, Che Gayvara rolled on up and pulled himself a pint! The parking lot started to fill and the pack was prelubing when 3 Times A Virgin introduced herself and gave them a religious experience that dealt with family and, um, being chewed. 5 Angry Inches was so moved that an additional 2 angry inches appeared. As an expert on religion, Wash This Asshole declared the growth as a MANifestation of the Wholey Spirit! At least by this time our hare had departed to actually lay the trail so the pack took off in the direction pointed out to them. The Lost Patrol fiddle fucked around while the Outbeer with its precious liquids was secured and then they too set off in search of flour and chalk. Trail took all into the woods and around the Bison paddock. Since this was a WYD trail it just had to go past the Public Restrooms and Adopt A Pussy had to swing in to give it his seal of approval. On All 4s, back from a summer in Europe and OZ took her leadership role seriously and timed AAP, in case demerits needed to be given out. Trail led across JFK Dr. and around the Equestrian Center. Leave it to Pied Piper to wonder what horse jerky would be like. Having passed the fauna portion of the trail our hare served the fish course by taking the pack around the Casting Pond. Trail kept the pack hopping and our hare turned in shiggy on top of shiggy with shiggy in the middle. With apologies to Just Julie, you were named by the Whine and Chowder Society so sadly you are Cookies And Cum but the Gypsies promise to not call you that when they can avoid it. CAC shot past and promised to pay later. Fits In averred that her hash name was payment enough! Trail took the pack around the Polo Field and eventually back to the start. The picnic table served to hold all the Vitamin J and the Sacred Bucket filled with Cuba Libre. Comrade Che was especially pleased to see the Bucket and his favored libation. Missed Delivery looked at the Bucket and wondered where he’d left his willpower! 5150 knew his willpower was somewhere in the Eastbay. Just Joshua ceded his claim on the Bucket to Just Ted Aka The Other Bastard who wept at his kindness! Not to say that the Bucket was strong, but Cuming Mutha signed up for lessons from Twerkses Like Xerxes! TLX was thrilled with the effects of the Bucket but chagrined when Choke Me Daddy allowed Yank Me Daddy to pull the pen right out of Exaggerated Crack’s sweaty hand. Tongueless was sorely tempted but Fits In saved the day, and her sanity, by keeping his cup filled till they left! Hand Pump eventually surfaced as did Manhole and they took part in the decimation of the keg and Bucket. Growlers provided the keg with a final coup de grace. Cheese Turd arrived late, how odd, and put the Bucket to death. T eschewed convening a Circle and there was, as you can imagine, thunderous applause. Memory says WYD did a swell job, but Cuba Libre plays havoc with memory. Cheers.