GPH3 Run #440: A Wet Gerbil Never Flies at Night
: 09/06/2001
: Unknown
: Enter The Gerbil
: Tongueless

Run #440 A Wet Gerbil Never Flies at Night

The bus stop at Mt. Davidson will never be the same. The Gypsies’ favorite rodent called the pack together to do some damage to this city transportation hub. Enter The Gerbil may be the King’s Fool but his choice of *un start made it clear that he was planning to have the last laugh. Sin Cojones, late of the Humpin’ Hash in San Diego, stepped up to the dais to take the Sacred Missal in hand and provide the night’s religious experience. Comes Slowly was especially pleased by the chosen passage as it definitely involved male and female genitalia. So pleased was she that Sadie was held high to hear the good news that heterosexual behavior was back in the bible. Comes Slowly was even more pleased when Sadie hit the ground *unning and turned Fucking Pesto Chicken’s leg into a love machine. Once he’d changed shorts and the pack had stopped its applause it was time to be on-on. Trail led the pack to the top and its famous cross. D’anglin Anglin chose this moment to have an epiphany. He dropped to his knees and body vibrating in ecstasy swore to never again go off trail. Phone Sex wept openly and Bone Marrow shouted in praise. Tammy Faye would have been proud. As the trail descended fear of poison oak set in. Happily Gerbil is as p o fearful as the rest of the pack and actually made an effort to avoid it. Not so mud and there was a good deal of slip slidin’ away. T/BC could be heard far and wide begging Whippet Out, who was clearly at the helm to slow down and stop yanking. Fits In with Whippet In misunderstood his plea and berated him for wanking the pooch in public again. Hoping to get a free show Manhole suddenly appeared along side and concealing his disappointment continued to forge ahead. Once back on the street the pack did it’s usual headless chicken act and fell to bits and pieces. There was an eagle/turkey split that sent the eagles more floundering than soaring downhill while the turkeys gobbled up the street. A very unhappy home owner barred the way for most of the pack but Likes To Lick played the race card in a way that would have made Johnny Cochrane proud and was allowed to cross the hallowed ground. Drill Me hoping to capitalize on his move by playing Simon LeGree to his Little Eva sent Badger after the fast disappearing LTL and was about to follow suit when Mr. Property Rights flashed that shotgun and Badger came slinking back to her side. Trail was lost just as quickly as it was found and some headed in. One of those some was Bigfoot mumbling under her breath about Gerbil not telling her wear the trail went and hoping that he’d enjoy his night on the couch. A beer check finally appeared and was followed by a romp back to the start. The space at the bus stop was quickly turned in the latest version of the Gypsies’ bar and grill. Muni’s finest were actually able to avoid finding anyone under their wheels although it was a close call when Bigfoot tripped Chickless Boner. Luckily he fell against Handjob For Humanity who thinking he was making a pass at her shoved him halfway down the hill and out of harm’s way. Bigfoot hasn’t spoken to her since. As usual there were those who avoided the ugly bit of exercise and arrived in time for the cocktail hour. Fits In’s potent potable of the evening was Mai-Tais. The Sacred Bucket brimmed full of the sweet but deadly potion. Meat Pie was able to consume enough allow No Hands to roll her down the hill and using Sammy as a backstop have her end up at their front door. Having had his share and more of experiences with that particular Bucket contents Shithead made the sign of the cross and fled in terror. King Rongjon, Sword Of Power, clenched in his fist regaled the circle with a tale of his latest diplomatic wanderings in Prague and his vain attempts to find a hooker fluent in the language of love he speaks. When Naked Hasher fell asleep and shed blood by falling to the pavement the King realized it was time to move on and baid Enter The Gerbil to make a Fool of himself. Gerbil graciously complied and began handing out Mai-Tai down-downs. The most important act was to give Clap Trap back her original and oh so fitting name Lois Lame. As she knelt before the swaying King her head followed the movement of the Sword like a rabbit following a cobra. A hush fell over the crowd followed by collective sigh of relief that the King had once again avoided combining a naming with a beheading. Just to be on the safe side Nutless Sac had already dialed 911 but held off pushing the send button. Scarlett O’Hairy having somewhat less faith in the King acknowledged that she always wore red at a naming so the blood wouldn’t show. Twinkle Dick had appeared from nowhere and having consumed enough of the Bucket make projectile vomiting a very real possibility hopped onto his bike and sped off to physical as well as mental oblivion. Open Wide was busy doing down-downs for a seemingly endless number of crimes but mainly because everyone loves to watch her giggle when she gets spiffed. Stacker, from C2H3 in the UK, having consumed copious amounts of the Bucket decided to play St. George and cast about for a dragon to slay but would have been willing to settle for Semen Monster. She would have happily acquiesced to being poked by his sword but the lad was too pissed to pull it from his shorts. When last seen Tits For Hire and Beats Me were carrying him off into the bushes and bickering over who would ravish him first. They eventually delivered his dried out shell to The Bull’s Head where Sin Cojones had decided to pick up dinner for all. Every man has the chance to make of fool of himself and most succeed Cheers.