GPH3 Run #1481: Manhole Overboard!
: 01/13/2022
: ACROSS FROM 70 Lenox Way
: Manhole
: Tongueless

Run #1481 John Dillinger Isn’t the Only One Fucked by a Lady In Red!

Manhole picked up the gauntlet and laid the second trail of the year for the Gypsies at playground cum dog park at Lenox and Ulloa. Manhole had no traffic cones to reserve a space for the Outbeer but he has a body and he used it to hold that space till the piss arrived! Manhole is a rock and using his body to hold a parking space like that showed he had a head full of them as well. The keg of Lagunitas Hazy Wonder left little doubt that there would be some with only a hazy memory of the night. Brent To Bone was back proving he is a glutton for pleasure! Pied Piper and Backside Banger were set to feed the general gluttons and Piper had his usual sausages but BB had tri tip for the pack. Watching BB transfer all that meat to Piper’s car King Bed Bug looked like he was going to start growing fur and howling and it wasn’t even a full moon. While the pack was pounding piss Tongueless was looking for someone to provide the pack with some religion. T was casting his glances around when a vision in burgundy sidled up in the form of Chickenboner. The Gypsies’ Queen mentioned that Who’s Your Daddy had never preached to the pack! Apparently WYD had T believing that he “must” have read a sermon at some time, but CB pointed out that WYD was laughing up his sleeve at his skill at turning aside religious duties. Ah well, that charade had to end and end it did as WYD found the Male Missal thrust into his hand and the pack’s attention focused on his every word! Apparently WYD so moved Wash This Asshole that WTA dropped to his knees, clutched at WYD’s ankles, kissed his shoes and called him, “My big bidet”! Having digested that surreal episode our hare provided a chalktalk, announced there was an Eagle/Turkey split and that he personally would lead the Lost Patrol to a better place. Trail took all and sundry along Verdun Way to Claremont Blvd. where there was a parting of the ways. The LP composed of our hare (Patrol Leader), On All 4s, WTA (fresh as a daisy), T and Fits In headed down Allston Way. The rest of the pack headed off to higher ground on Edgehill Mountain. Manhole always believes that the LP needs an exercise in fitness just like the rest of the half-minds so he makes sure they get in their share of uphill grind. The pack, one and all, ended up in Manhole’s yard once again at Magellan and Cortes and as usual he was the most gracious of hosts providing two bottles of Plum Brandy distilled by a friend and even giving the pack use of a rest room. Happily, all held their water since his directions to find the room went in one ear and out the other. OA4s was a glutton for punishment continuing alone to get more exercise. Cuming Mutha saw no reason to offend our hare and host so let OA4s go her own way whilst he imbibed and imbibed and, well, imbibed some more, the Plum Brandy was very good. All good things must come to an end including that beer check so off T and FI set to get the keg et al ready for the pack. On their way they stumbled across Adopt A Pussy who was a late starter but an early finisher. Once the pack drifted back to the start the walk way on Verdun Way was commandeered and the keg was tapped, tables laid to be filled with the Sacred Thermi full of hot rum and cider as well as the usual Vitamin J. Pied Piper whipped out the Sacred Grill and he was off to the races with his usual ton of hot dogs and sausages. Just Fuck Off and Just Ted AKA The Other Bastard took Brent To Bone aside and the 3 of them tossed off multiple pints of piss and cups of punch. BTB once more bemoaned that he hadn’t found the hash sooner but, JFO and JTTOB were putting in a strong effort to help him compensate. PP made sure to have plenty of buns and more sauces and sides than anyone had ever dreamed of. Dr. Kimble made sure to eat enough to absorb the alcohol he drank but he would had had to eat for a week to have made a dent. One Night Only fled the scene before it bacame too raucous, which it did once the tri tip was gone. Jack The Ripper forced himself to make do with all the other food but was depressed about being late to the party! Hand Pump kindly handled the garbage, but, sadly, not the human detritus. Blow Queen managed to make full use of the evening and when it became growler time he was ready and waiting. The keg died bravely but exhaled its last breath and the rum and cider went to its rest. WYD even forgave CB for ratting him out. The pack eventually staggered and waddled off to home and hearth. Cheers.