GPH3 Run #1358: A Secret Agenda
: 04/18/2019
: 25th Ave & MLK Jr Dr
: Cuming Mutha
: Tongueless

Run #1358 A Secret Agenda

Cuming Mutha took up residence at the former home of Mr. Bone Jangles, 25th Ave and MLK Jr. Dr. in Golden Gate Park to lay the trail for the Gypsies but the only agenda he had was in the Sacred Cooler filled with Lagunitas Secret Agenda. The pack became a roadside attraction not the least because as usual Dick Ass Mother Fucker was busy changing into his *unning attire; at least this time there were no fatalities…this time! Udder Moron parked his motorcy across the road knowing way better than to be too closely associated with this band of bandits. One Night Only declined to drink and kept *unning in place to maintain her aerobic debt as part of her training for a *un in England. It saddened Blow Queen to tell ONO that by the time she got to England her aerobic debt would probably have been paid and that he thought a master of finance would already have figured that out. Even BQ can forget that it only takes half-a-mind to hash and even less with the Gypsies. Cream Throat Willie was busy creaming his throat with Secret Agenda and had a crying need to exercise that creamy throat by sermonizing to the pack. CTW took up the Male Missal and in his most mellifluous tones regaled the pack with a sermon on the many types of “cream” that exist. While the sermon was going on 3 Fingers had his own crowd watching him treat the beer bottles like a bowling ball keeping 3 in reserve while his other hand held the one he was drinking. Cream Chugger sniffed that she was old school and only drank two bottles at a time although she is training Just Lily to haul them over in her teeth. The pack was in the mood to move out so Cuming Mutha gave a chalktalk for the ages, “You all know what you’re doing so do it”. On that note the pack was off. Trail crossed 25th Ave. and went up a small hill onto, well, trail. Our hare was leading a patrol of his own that was less Lost than Lazy and they quickly found road to parallel the trail. Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt would have none of that when there were trails to sniff and possibly varmints to terrorize so they insisted that Tongueless and Fits in follow the flour not our hare. For a time On All 4s hung with them but decided that CM knew where he was going much better than the hounds and broke the connection. At 30th Ave. trail crossed MLK Jr. Dr. and turned deeper into the woods. Adopt A Pussy and Backside Banger followed a trail that existed nowhere but in the depths of their minds and spent a good deal of the time arguing over which of the minds to use. At one point the Lost Patrol, the real one, was overtaken by a brace of bims who turned out to be cum from behind pack members, Abusement Park late of the Columbia, South CarolinaH3 and Just Aria. Our hare gave the pack an Eagle/Turkey split and Gobble My Ass felt a need to gobble along with the flightless birds. Who’s Your Daddy could be heard off in the woods bemoaning the lack of any nearby saloons to break the monotony of putting one foot in front of the other. Without Bitches Bitch to keep her on the straight and narrow Lois Lame spent measure of the time wandering in the woods but she is nothing if not game. Somewhere along the line 5150 came shooting out the woods his ski poles flashing. Dr. Kimble suggested that 5150 might be happier not being on skis in the woods. Eventually the pack found it’s way back to the start, many of them actually cuming in on trail. The sight of the Sacred Bucket filled with Yellow Peril sent ONO screaming into the night and she won’t be seen again until England is in her rearview mirror. Missed Delivery once again looked as though he’d spent his time not on trail but in the sweatlodge and turned to the Bucket for hydration. Peteophile and Scarlette O’Hairy were there to take part in the bacchanalian part of the evening as was Deadbeat who arrived to take up the mantle of DFL. The Bucket put Scarlette in mind of haring yet another trail; the Bucket does exercise mind control. Tears Of Semen took one look at the Bucket and realized that the Sacred Cooler is where safety lay. Tongueless, Sword Of Power in hand convened the Circle and Fits In poured Yellow Peril down-downs. Tongueless’ Penis and Abusement Park and Missed Delivery said they were like a pair of Redwoods with a dandelion between them. No more Bucket for MD! Cheers.