GPH3 Run #1368: How Far Can You Go and Never Really Leave?
: 06/27/2019
: 5th Ave & MLK Jr Dr
: Who's Your Daddy
: Tongueless

Run #1368 How Far Can You Go and Never Really Leave?

Who’s Your Daddy decided to answer that question with the trail he laid for the Gypsies last week. The start was at 5th Ave. and MLK, Jr. Dr., a place that doesn’t really exist but can still be found; that should have given the pack an idea of what was to cum. On the other hand since it only takes half a mind to hash the pack probably didn’t bother to think of that. Their half minds were more firmly fixed on the keg of Lagunitas Little Sumpin Sumpin that was tapped and waiting for them. As usual the pack blocked the sidewalk and as usual the civilians moved past them as gingerly as possible. No even semi-sane person wants to get to close to the likes of Twinkle Dick who is among the finalists for the “Homeless Poster Boy” contest. “Saint” Titty Boo Boo is jealous of how much money TD manages to pick up on trail. “S” TBB is even more concerned now that he has to think about the college fund for Just Rosalie the tiniest Gypsy. Speaking of JR, “S” TBB and The Cunt Next Door wisely are breaking her in early and had her there. This of course means that TCND didn’t have to worry about leaving early since if the “milk bottles” leaked she had the little sucker with her to take care of it. The pack welcomed Just Dan to his first Gypsies’ trail and only his second hash his first being with the Whine & Chowder Society. JD was assured that the Gypsies put on a somewhat different show that would likely prove more brutal to his liver than his feet. Feeling more secure JD took up the Male Missal and preached a sermon that had Eat My Pussy glad that he’d cum. The pack was also graced by the presence of Dr. Bombardier of the Atlanta branch of the Gypsies. Since you never know whom you might come across in the park Cuming Mutha was not surprised to almost be ridden over by his bike-riding landlord. No worries, which just called for another calming pint. Our hare was more or less long gone having nipped into the park to set the trail live. The pack reluctantly stepped away from the keg and followed. Trail began with a minor league circle jerk that brought the pack more or less into the bowels of the park. One thing about WYD is his ego is so huge that he marks the trail so the pack can follow it and sing his praises or in the case of Chickenboner hum his praises. Qaeda Cunt and Tongue Depressor were happy to indulge in all the circle jerks since there was more to sniff especially when the trail went through the Robin Williams Picnic Area. When trail went past the construction site for the GGPark Tennis Courts it was clear that WYD had meant to go through and found himself blocked. One Night Only was happy to find that she was forced to cover more ground and hoped the trail would go on long enough to drop another dress size, that’s how ONO now evaluates trail. Had this been a Che Gayvara trail ONO would now be a size 1. Che is thinking about marketing his trails as a diet fad. Udder Moron is hoping to invest with CG, now you have an idea how he got Udder Moron as a name. Trail past Hippie Hill and zipped over the other side of JFK Dr. WYD took the pack on every trail there was and turned them all into every growing circle jerks. Phone Sex in her role as scout managed to cover as much ground as Bitches Bitch on one of his best days. As trail passed the Dahlia Garden Tongueless’ Penis stopped not only to smell the flowers but also water them; that’s the Gypsies, environmentally conscious. Once the pack was all jerked out they congregated in small open area where the keg was tapped again, the Sacred Bucket filled with River Madness and the table laid with Vitamin J. Always considerate, Dick Ass Mother Fucker was resplendent in his bright orange full length coat. DAMF didn’t want any Park Rangers or SFPD getting eyestrain looking for the pack of pint pounders. Fuck Norris loved the trail so much that she wanted to be renamed Fuck Who’s Your Daddy. Tears Of Semen responded that there were already enough Fuck Who’s Your Daddies around. King Rongjon convened the Circle and waggled the Sword Of Power. Just Dan provided a joke rather than showing one. Fits In kept refilling the Bucket as River Madness was administered as down-downs. Tongueless was more than happy to be the living spittoon for anyone who had already left. Dr. Kimble only does enough Bucket to give the CHP a fair chance. 5150 turned anything empty into a growler, even one armed he’s a bad bandit. Cheers.