GPH3 Run #1382: Let It Burn!
: 10/03/2019
: The King's Castle on LaPlaya
: King Rongjon
: Tongueless

Run #1382 Let It Burn!

Hard as it is to believe King Rongjon has survived yet another trip around the sun and in honor of having survived yet another year of being himself laid a trail for the Gypsies last week. Throwing caution and common sense to the wind KRJ welcomed the pack to his castle on LaPlaya. Our hare promised that unlike previous Bday trails this one would be an actual trail and the pack gathered to see what that would actually mean. Knowing our hare’s penchant for hyperbole the pack stood around in his kitchen sucking down pints of courage in the form of Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’. Backside Banger remembered the year he brought his son Just James and changed his diaper on the King’s front steps with Tongueless stepping on the diaper then stepping into the house with predictable results; the baby stayed home this time. CSI was there not only to assure herself that his majesty was still breathing but to pick up a bookcase that T and Fits In were giving away, two birds with one stone and all that! Hashers came from far and wide to touch the hem of the King’s garment and absorb some of his wisdom. Damien The Antichrist and Pot Ho were there from LAH3 and Barely Man Below and Just Frieda were down from EugeneH3. So taken with the survival of the King’s liver was Pot Ho that she led the pack in it’s religious observance with a reading from the UnNamed Missal that left Twinkle Dick on his knees weeping tears of ecstasy but still careful to keep them out of his pint. Bitch Pimp brought Just Pat to witness the living proof that hashing won’t necessarily kill you, “necessarily” being the operative word. On that note the pack moved out to the street where our hare provided a chalktalk that provided the pack with all they needed to know…nothing. The King pointed and the pack was off down LaPlaya in search of trail. Trail took the pack across Lincoln Way and over to the Great Highway where it crossed back into Golden Gate Park and was promptly lost so the pack went back to find a mark at MLK, Jr. Dr. that took them past South Windmill and back to Lincoln Way. That no trail was found meant nothing to Bitches Bitch, that true believer, his, “The King will provide!” drifted back to the pack as he disappeared on his personal quest for trail. That no trail was found meant something to the rest of the pack who considered that T had some semblance of an idea of where the trail would be coming back from. Closet Twitcher assumed that Pittsburgh Dan’s would at some point feel the impact of the pack and once it had been past CT decided to get ahead of the curve. The hearty souls of the Lost Patrol decided to follow trail backwards having heard the rumor that On All 4s and Just Pat had received insider info from the hare and might be cuming from the back forward. The LP headed up 48th to Judah and lo and behold came upon flour. “Came” is not used lightly as seeing that bit of flour had Dr. Kimble cum! Phone Sex looking longingly at Celia’s Mexican restaurant and bar as it was past and found visions of margaritas and chips clouding her judgment but still she soldiered on. After much flour was followed the LP spotted OA 4s and JP cuming down 45th from Noriega. They said they had been looking for The Pizza Place on Noriega, which the King had made a beer check and hadn’t found it. T set off down Noriega in search of the elusive joint and found it at 45th and Noriega. Phone Sex, Bitch Pimp, Just Pat, and On All 4s decided to head back to Celia’s where rumor had it the pack was partying. As it turns out Phonie had lured them there and yet it was so crowded that she was left chipless but happily not margaritaless. The LP pressed on and finally turned back on 46th Ave. BMB and Cuming Mutha set a heart pounding pace back down 46th Ave. to Judah where they found themselves lured into Celia’s. No good deed goes unpunished so when the King offered his own margarita to T and BMB to taste they gave it a very thorough taste. Even 5150 had found his way to Celia’s but of course not Bitches Bitch. T and FI took the King’s key and headed back to open the castle. Once the pack realized they were paying for pints they followed and the King’s Bday got into full swing. The Vitamin J was put forth and the Sacred Bucket filled with Cuba Libré. The usual sandwiches were on the kitchen table and Bitch Pimp slavered over them. The King finally took up the Sword Of Power and declared the Circle open. He stood on the deck of his backyard and filled a firepot with wood and ignited it. Being on a moving base it didn’t take long for the firepot to get knocked over and bets were quickly made as to whether PG&E could be blamed for the assumed cuming conflagration. It was a hot time in the Circle for those called up. T did his time in the heat while the King complained that in England everyone calls him RJ following T’s lead and he can’t figure out why they call him RJ. Once again T was accused of a big ego and blamed for Tongueless’ Penis being saddled with that name and once again T demurred that it was the fault of Lois Lame and 5150 and that his own ego is as small as his own penis! Try as he might Wash My Asshole could not pour enough liquor into Mother Hentai to get her to live out his name. A gang of vultures in human drag downed the sandwiches. Mr. Bone Jangles a man with mind of his own finished trail carrying tandoori chicken pizza. Bitches Bitch was still on his Grail quest but Lois Lame hid a couple of the veggie sandwiches threatened great bodily harm to anyone who approached them. Just Frieda did not give birth during the down-downs and Barely Man Below was pleased by that. Cuming Mutha and On All 4s assumed the house they’d lived in for 10 years would succumb to the fire pot and bid it a tearful adeu. The Bucket died and the keg was sorely wounded but there were “LaPlaya Fire” headlines in the Friday newspaper. Cheers.