GPH3 Run #1383: Why the Outbeer Loves Chickenboner!
: 10/10/2019
: West Portal Playground
: Chickenboner
: Tongueless

Run #1383 Why the Outbeer Loves Chickenboner!

Chickenboner laid the Gypsies trail last week and her kind consideration won the heart of the Gypsies’ favorite wheeled vehicle and rolling tap, the Outbeer! Our hare gathered the pack at the West Portal Playground on Ulloa. With Fits In piloting the Outbeer with its precious cargo of Lagunitas IPA our hare had exercised her brilliance and snagged a couple of orange cones that used to create the perfect home for the keg! As Fits In pulled the Outbeer forward the headlights practically wept tears of joy. It’s always a thrill to see the effect the pack standing around pulling pints has on the mommies and daddies who are in the playground with their scion. The mommies drag off the wee ones while shielding their young eyes while th daddies dawdle and lick their lips in envy. Our hare avoided the whole thing by taking off to lay trail live. CB’s only two requests were that Who’s Your Daddy be kicked in the leg to slow him down and that the chalktalk emphasis that the pack should *un slowly because the hare was slow. Manhole thought to go the hare one better and have Mans Best Hole bite WYD on the leg but it all went south when it turned out that MBH raised her head a smidge too high. Who knew that WYD was capable of such a piercing scream! While WYD writhed on the ground Lois Lame took up the Missal Without A Name and preached a sermon that Do Her Well found much more interesting than WYD’s groans. The chalktalk was delivered as requested and the pack paid about as much attention to it as usual before starting on trail. Just Doesn’t Get It decided to cast his lot with the Ultra Exclusive Lost Patrol, which was so exclusive that it was populated solely by JDGI and went somewhere that had nothing to do with the efforts of the hare but had liquids available. For those who chose to honor the hare’s effort trail led them through the playground and eventually to Merced Ave. the across and back down Garcia Ave. Ascending Knockash Hill the pack was back on Ulloa where our hare began a circuitous route that had Bitches Bitch expecting a migraine. Of course that wouldn’t be a problem if he could overcum his OCD and not have to vacuum every step of the trail or commit hari-kari. Trail went behind the Juvenile Detention Center where the more juvenile members of the pack, spell that Tongueless, are always worried that they’ll be dragged in. The trail at this point is often blocked by a variety of crap that’s discarded and of course Phone Sex, always in search of some treasure, had to go through it with a fine toothcomb. The pack also managed to touch Laguna Honda, Dewey and Pacheco before exhausting our hare and returning to the start. Do Her Well and the limp dick Who’s Your Daddy as well as someone whose name could not be retained in this tired brain did catch the hare but failed to toss her naked into traffic as is the usual course for the Gypsies. The keg was tapped and the table set with Vitamin J while the Sacred Bucket was filled with Fits In’s newly invented Penis Colada and the pack set to wet their whistles and fill their gobs. Cumguzzling Cockaholic having the evening to himself found the Bucket even better for guzzling. Cuming Mutha kept himself occupied by handling the bookmaking on how many times Bitches Bitch would *un the trail before he was satisfied that he’d found every single mark. Dr. Kimble predicted, quite accurately that Hand Pump would be back sooner than BB. Rocky Mountain Oyster took advantage of the proximity to his home and showed up to witness the insanity. JDGI made it back from the watering hole he’d stumbled into relieving Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt of having to pretend they were Bloodhounds and finding him as Do Her Well suggested. Tongueless took up the Sword Of Power and opened the Circle then administered more down-downs to himself than all the miscreants put together; of course they were all medicinal down-downs. The Penis’ were drained from the Bucket and growlers were filled. Lois Lame only filled 12, so many less than usual that Dr. Kimble and Hand Pump were concerned for her health, why is a question best left unanswered. Cheers,