GPH3 Run #1391: Run 1391 Go Ahead and Google, Party!
: 12/05/2019
: Dahlia Grove by the Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park
: Who's Your Daddy
: Tongueless

Run 1391 Go Ahead and Google, Party!

Who’s Your Daddy lover of horticulture that he is planned to start his trail for the Gypsies from the Dahlia Grove by the Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park last Thursday but as usual the best laid plans once again went awry. As the Outbeer carrying a Sacred Cooler approached the start Chickenboner rang to say that Google was having a private party in the Conservatory of Flowers and parking for peons was out of bounds. After some back and forthing by Fits In the Outbeer was parked on JFK Dr. and the only instead of cars the pack got to play Frogger with bicyclists whizzing by in the bike lane. Cuming Mutha rang to ask where the start was and he and On All 4s managed to snag some bottles of Lagunitas Born Yesterday without being snagged by “racist” cyclists but it was a near *un thing. Bitches Bitch wandered the streets looking for a spot but that’s largely because BB had to find the perfect spot, not too large and not too, just right. If BB were blonde his name would be Goldie Locks. Who would have guessed that One Night Only keeps a truck full of cushions just to protect her Mercedes in situations like this? Hand Pump was kindness personified as he helped her strap them to the car. Amazing as it sounds 5150 arrived early and provided the evening’s religious experience as the read a sermon from the Unnamed Missal which since he bought it for the Gypsies was totally in order. While 5150 preached to the choir Who’s Your Daddy set out to lay the trail live. As WYD tossed out those first handfuls of flour “Saint” Titty Boo Boo commented on how much WYD resembled Tinker Belle tossing Fairy dust. Udder Moron moaned now he could never watch Peter Pan with his son! On All 4’ commanding personality gave her sway over the Lost Patrol which as it tramped across JFK Dr. into the woods around the Lily Pond actually looked more like the Lost Regiment than the LP. Even Tears Of Semen abandoned Blow Queen to experience the mellow pace of the LP. Culture vulture that he is our hare took the pack around the Music Concourse and past the de Young Museum and the Academy of Sciences. Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt were more interested in sniffing around the JapaneseTea Garden. At some point the LP got divided and OA4s was off with 5150 and TOS while Tongueless, Fits In and CSI were with Dr. Kimble and Lois Lame. Trail stayed on, well, trail eschewing any pavement. Over the top of Stow Lake marks led the pack past the Pioneer Log Cabin and Lois Lame’s top rated Public Rest Rooms. Rating rest rooms is a hobby that LL and WYD share and there is a fierce competition between them over who is more knowledgeable. JFK Dr. was crossed again and the pack had the pleasure of loping along the Park Presidio Bypass where a health conscious Dr. K held his breath rather than inhale exhaust fumes. Eventually trail took the pack back into the woods before dumping them back on JFK Dr. and the putative start. The Sacred Cooler crossed the road and came to rest just off the sidewalk and the table was laid with Vitamin J and Sacred Thermi filled with Hot Toddys to ward off the chill of which, happily, there was none. Sperm Donor was tossing back Toddys and whining that the trail had not taken him near Sperm Alley where he thought he could make a little cash by living up to his name. Jack The Ripper suggested that he have a few more Toddys and try to get into the Google party, JTR is always thinking. WYD moved the private party parking signs so they blocked the entrance to the road assuming drivers could Google a way around. Manhole and Mans Best Hole arrived as the DFLs only to upstaged by Missed Delivery who found the Hot Toddys much to his liking. King Rongjon, Sword Of Power in hand convened the Circle and every time he raised his arm cyclists slowed in the bike lane to watch, just in case. Google wasn’t the only one having a party. Cheers.