GPH3 Run #1392: Child's Play!
: 12/12/2019
: Wawona & 21st Ave
: Chickenboner
: Tongueless

Run #1392 Child’s Play!

Chickenboner laid the Gypsies’ trail last Thursday and after all the rain she wondered if she would need scuba gear to set the trail. Of course the rains took a hiatus for the Hashing Gods’ favorites but they played with the pack anyway by producing so much fog that using a headlamp or torch made no difference since the light just reflected off the moisture leaving you just as blind. It wasn’t a night for the faint at heart so none of them were there to drink the keg of Lagunitas IPA. Parking at Wawona and 21st Ave. was easy to cum by unless you were Bitch Pimp and She Came Again. If you were them, the parking was good at Eucalyptus and 21st Ave. where BP claims her GPS deposited them. Tongueless brought them in under radio control and they were there and gone, only coming by to drop off some meds for Tongue Depressor and show off Just Daisy Bell the newest Gypsy pooch. The fog was thick as Just No Fucking Name Wolf out of some hash in Silverlake, Washington, where “Justs” are “No Fucking Name Justs”, took up the Male Missal and preached a hellfire and brimstone sermon on boys being boys. JNFNW was gifted to the Gypsies by Tongue Punch My Fart Box who turned last Thursday into an endless stream of boy toys with JNFN W being joined by Just No Fucking Name Banjo and her kiddie boy toy Just No Freaking Name Jethro. JNFN Jethro is young enough to be a “Freaking” but TPMFB knows he’ll grow into a “FuckingTPMFB is playing mom to her boys in the band as the scoot their RV around the country. JNFN Jethro got some mighty fine home schooling from the Gypsies. Our hare had, of course, already taken off to lay trail live. Religion having been conducted the pack was off in search of marks. Trail led into Stern Grove where the pack was basically reduced to using Braille to find marks. The Lost Patrol picked up the visitors and even Tears Of Semen who assumed that the fog would not affect Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt’s snouts! Even better, TPMFB had L Kat her pooch whose short legs brought him even closer to the elusive marks! Trail exited Stern Grove and crossed 19th Ave. at Sloat. Our hare was clearly amused to lead the pack down Lagunitas Dr. and across Ocean before strutting the pack past Eucalyptus in honor of BP. Eventually trail took the pack though the parking lot of Stonestown Galleria before taking the pack through Stonestown Galleria. At this point hounds all became “Service Dog” as Fits In pointed out to the less than pleased patrons. Who’s Your Daddy took the opportunity to take care of his Christmas shopping or maybe his Christmas shoplifting One Night Only wasn’t sure what she saw. Fleeing the Galleria the pack found trail that took them through the Student Life Events Center/Annex and across Lake Merced Blvd. where they set foot on trail through the woods at Lake Merced. At this point ONO pitched in with the LP. Trail finally exited the woods and led the pack across Middlefield Dr and through the Lakeshore Alternative Elementary School. Trail zigged and zagged before entering mall number two Lakeshore Plaza. By now Blow Queen was wondering why we were being taken through malls and not beer checks. Chickenboner was hoping to win her Heroine of the American Economy medal and made sure to swing through a See’s Candy Store to buy enough to hopefully mollify those who foolishly took her seriously when she claimed the trail was “only” 3 miles long. Dicing with death the pack managed to survive a harrowing crossing of Sloat Blvd. At this point T decided that Tongue Depressor was wet and cold enough that he decided to short cut back, TOS, ONO, and FI would like to point out that it was T’s short cut so you know how that worked out! Our visitors decided to follow trail so you can guess how that worked out. The old saying is, “In the country of the blind the one eyed man is King”, and none of our visitors could see all that clearly by now. Those with T headed along Sloat back to 19th Ave. and thence to the start. The wanders continued to Sunset where they caught Wawona and came around Stern Grove. Eventually the pack was reunited and found 5150 waiting patiently for the keg and the Sacred Thermi filled with mulled wine. Pencil Dick suggested, that’s his version that pack just set up on the spot and never mind the neighbors. Dr. Kimble who couldn’t get to the mulled wine fast enough started hauling everything out. Not long after our visitors found their way in and Tongueless’ Penis who is always thinking had the brilliant idea to have JNFN Jethro stand on the street side as camouflage in case any police came by or were called. Our hare passed around the candy and mentioned that Hand Pump started late. At last Hand Pump arrived and was he pissed off that Bitches Bitch hadn’t been there. HP just assumes if he gets horribly lost BB will come looking for him. HP was on his own tonight. The Sword Of Power left it’s scabbard and T convened the Circle which turned into the Gypsies version of Last Comic Standing when JNFN Wolf and JNFN Banjo told jokes to entertain the pack setting T off. It turned in to a long night as well it should, and it was a school night too boot. Cheers.