GPH3 Run #1547: It’s 4/20, Where is BJ!
: 04/20/2023
: Golden Gate Park at 25th Ave and MLK, Jr. Drive
: Mr. Bone Jangles
: Tongueless

Run #1547 The Waldos’ are with Mr. Bone Jangles!

Last Thursday was 4/20 and we all know what that famous number means, celebrating The Waldos and their getting high at 4:20 every day at their high school in Marin. Hell, it’s become a holiday and not just in San Francisco. What better way to celebrate than to set a Gypsies’ trail and turn it into a pre-Bday bash, so that’s just what Mr. Bone Jangles did! In keeping with the day, the Outbeer arrived with a Sacred Cooler full of Lagunitas The Waldos’ Triple IPA Ale! This is only brewed for 4/20 and at 11.4% ABV it’s no wonder! BJ brought the pack together at his home away from home, 25th Ave. and MLK, Jr. Dr. in Golden Gate Park. What parking there was soon disappeared as the revelers arrived. Backside Banger popped a top and like the song says it tasted so good that he had another one for dessert! The date was important enough to bring Bitches Bitch off the injured list so he could injure himself even more, success! The pack was joined by a couple of visiting Scandis, Netherlanders by way of Bali and Indonesian Hashes, The Great White Cunt and Just Onno. After a few bottles Just Onno was just yes yes as Tongueless queried him as to his reading ability in English. To prove his skill JO took up the Male Missal and preached a sermon that was a fitting introduction to San Francisco. Not that JO was embarrassed but by the time he finished his face was as red as his hair! Since he doesn’t drink, Just Joshua was handed a pencil and paper so he could map the bodies for later retrieval! BJ more or less told the pack the trail was short, flat and only vaguely likely to get anyone killed. On that note the pack was off. The real pack, you know, the overachievers were off like a bolt of lightning! Of course, the Lost Patrol was delayed by the need to secure the Outbeer which allowed Backside Banger and Wash This Asshole to stock up on roadies. On All 4s led the LP off in search of flour. Trail took all concerned down MLK to 19th Ave and then across to Lincoln Way and 17th Ave., so much for the misguided sots like Closet Twitcher who dreamt their feet would be hitting trail and not pounding pavement. Trail zigged and zagged along the avenues as the pack wondered just when BJ would send them on a stairway to heaven. As the pack hit the mile mark at Kirkham and 16th Ave. they came to the Hidden Garden Steps and an on up arrow sending them into the sky. The steps all done in mosaic tiles and each of the 148 steps is ceramic time and is flanked by a garden. There are 9 flights of steps from Kirkham to Lawton. As the LP gazed upward a feeling of nausea was overwhelming. That feeling wasn’t lessened by Cuming Mutha mooning those below him. Jack The Ripper looked up and being kindness personified offered to carry Bitches Bitch on his back! Watching BB go up those stairs by crawling somehow made the evening worth it. By the time the pack was making a descent Just Ted Aka The Other Bastard was spotted clutching his head weeping copiously and regretting that first beer check! The teetotalling Just Joshua patted his back and laughed uproariously! BJ was in a particularly sadistic frame of mind, so he set two beer checks, one at the Sage and Drifter at 13th Ave and Irving before the climb! Pied Piper felt right at home as trail took the pack through Dirt Alley as it headed towards the Muni tracks on Judah. Fits In averred that the next beer check had to be at BJ’s other home away from home, Durty Nelly’s on Irving and 24thish. It was a good call on her part. BJ was there with welcoming pints of Guinness. The visitors were still pounding pints and becoming ever more joyful! Somewhere on trail Backside Banger acquired his wife and she helped him with those roadies he had left. Eventually the pack headed back to the start and BJ supplied hot rice balls from the Fiery Hot Pot and Grill while Fits In provided a Sacred Bucket filled with River Madness and the usual Vitamin J for stuffing maws. Hand Pump arrived intact and eventually even the family BB staggered in, bracing each other. CT gatherer wood scraps and started a fire in one of the grills. T waved the Sword Of Power and convened the Circle. The visitors provided a song and a joke to keep the pack happy. BJ was fulsomely praised for his trail by the few who could actually remember it. T served as Just Joshua’s stunt liver. All but 3 of the Waldos’ disappeared as did the Bucket meaning a field day for the CHP. As the Outbeer fled the scene there were still remnants of the pack being jocular. A fine evening, well wasted with the Gypsies! Cheers.