GPH3 Run #1549: How High is Up? You’re About to Find Out!
: 05/04/2023
: Corte Madera in the parking lot for Corte Madera Town Park on Pixley across from the Post Office.
: Dr. Kimble
: Tongueless

Run #1549 Cream and Sugar With Your Coffee?

Dr. Kimble started off May for the Gypsies with a trail from his home away from home the parking lot of Corte Madera Town Park on Pixley across from the Post Office and just around the corner from the PD. As the few, the proud arrived they were treated to the tykes playing soccer and baseball and their moms and dads were treated to the keg of Lagunitas IPA being tapped. As the first pint was poured the looks on the faces of those same moms and dads said, “Um, you take the kids home while I investigate those red cups!” The “Clown Car of the Week” award went to Manhole as his ride disgorged Adopt A Pussy and Backside Banger. There were two rather stunning occurrences at this point, Wash This Asshole appeared behind the wheel of a car and not atop a bicycle and what truly beggared the mind, 5150 arriving at the start of a trail. Tongueless looked like he might just keel over. Dr. Kimble provided a chalktalk that led Manhole to declare that he was going to conquer the eagle trail or die trying. AAP asked MH to leave a spare car key with Dr. K, there is nothing like a show of faith to get a Gypsy pumped for trail. The pack eschewed a religious moment assuming that Dr. K would set a trail that would be Heaven or Hell, depending! MH and Hand Pump set off to slaughter themselves while the Lost Patrol, everyone else, set off to see the sites. Dr. K may have set the stage by mentioning that trail would go near the Silver Peso, the penultimate dive bar in Marin. Trail took the pack into the park and around the Playground where kiddies were hugged to the breast of adults who feared the mob passing by. Trail left the park at Pixley and passed Hickory Ave. All the “tree” streets were trod by the pack in search of flour. Our hare didn’t stint on stairs as he waltzed the halt, lame and lazy through the tree lined streets filled with homes large and small that suddenly needed to lock doors or lower shades as the LP passed. Trail crossed Larkspur Creek and at E Ward Steet, T pointed out that the pack was only a block from the Peso. BB rallied the troops and over some mumbled resistance led them through the backdoor of the Peso declaring it would be a crime not to have, “Just one pint” at the historic location. Kind soul that he is BB bought a round for the LP. Although Fits In initially declined she accepted the pint that BB handed her! FI would never do anything as churlish as refuse a pint and risk hurt feelings! The LP raised their pints in honor of the manly men MH and Hand Pump, not, of course that they envied their zeal in the least! The LP left through the parking lot, site of many an evening of T doing naked pushups, and not necessarily on his own. Trail wound down Magnolia Ave to Baltimore Ave. and thence down Holcomb where it paralleled a path through the park. Eventually it was a return to Magnolia Ave and a tour of the businesses. You may be wondering about MH and HP, well no worries, they were busy slogging down the Alto Bowl Preserve Secondary Trail before getting to Chapman Dr. and descending past Dr. K’s abode where he had toyed with the idea of a beer check. Thanks of course to BB the LP had a beer check and the latest score of the Warriors-Kings game. Back at the park the whole pack regrouped, well, MH was still on trail when Hand Pump came ambling in. In the meantime, the pack grew with the arrival of Bitch Pimp and Just Daisy, her pooch, as well as Just Pat, her mom! The keg was moved to a picnic table and the table covered with Vitamin J. The night had turned cold, but the Sacred Thermi appeared filled with hot coffee that could be cooled with the addition Irish Cream or Kahlua or both as some chose to do. As the pack indulged darkness descended and still no Manhole! Dr. K was about to try organizing a search party, you know how successful Dr. K would have been at that, when Manhole arrived whining that he would probably been faster if he’d had a headlamp so he could see where he was going. The keg survived but the Irish Cream died bravely and as the Sacred Thermi emptied. Yet another Thursday sacrificed itself to the Gypsies! Cheers.