GPH3 Run #1565: Outa the Park!
: 08/24/2023
: The parking lot for Corte Madera Town Park
: Dr. Kimble
: Tongueless

Run #1565 And Yet They Drank It All! 

Dr. Kimble laid the last Gypsies trial in August from his home away from home the Town Park in Corte Madera on Pixley and Tamalpais. The parking lot is always filled with moms and dads taking their small fry home from soccer or baseball or whatever while the “tennis” courts resound with the thwack of paddle ball paddles. Of course, once the Gypsies arrive that bucolic scene changes to a Gypsies’ Thursday night! The Gypsies have a motto, one of many, that says Gypsies war parties come in all sizes, the one this week was small, but they knew how to pound that piss! Speaking of that piss, the pack was treated to keg of Adobe Creek Tiburones, their amber lager and Fits In’s fav. The Outbeer wasn’t the first to arrive, that honor went to Pied Piper and Manhole who were nursing a mighty thirst by the time the keg was tapped. Those parched throats were quickly issuing a desire to just stay in the parking lot and avoid any waste of drinking time. As usual, the fitness frenzied like 5 Angry Inches prevailed. There was no religious moment since nothing would put this gang of miscreants into any kind of grace. Instead, Dr. K spouted out a chalktalk that basically told the pack that only flour and chalk were used to mark trial, um, except for the bit of toilet paper that would make perfect sense… to anyone who made it that far. Dr. K is a master at building confidence! Tongueless and Fits In lived in Corte Madera until their neighbors drove them out of town but they know the area, um, you bet they do! On that basis alone Wash This Asshole cast his fate with the Lost Patrol, how disastrous could it be! Trail took the “pack” into the park sending terrified kiddies fleeing in a frenzy. A circle jerk separated the LP from PP and MH who had vowed to “*un” the eagle trial. Both left letters for next of kin with Dr. K, yet more reassurance! Trail crossed Tamalpais Dr. and turned at Corte Madera Ave. to start a climb that brought on nosebleeds. T kept insisting on just going on a smidge higher and expecting the trail to turn downward. Fits In kept mumbling something that could possibly be interpreted as “Idiot”. WTA resigned himself just keep repeating InstaPot recipes. Eventually even T had to agree that going up was just getting further from the keg and the threesome LP turned downhill. As they were headed down, lo and behold, up came PP and MH determined to conquer or die. No one particularly cared if MH didn’t make it but PP had promised to fire up the Sacred Grill, so he was in receipt of fervent prayers. Back at the bottom the LP came across Dr. K with a sadistic smile on his face and marks suggesting they turn left. Trial took them past Menke Park and through alleyways to Hart St. and thence down Palm Ave. to Redwood Ave. and back to the start. Meanwhile back in the heights PP and MH found themselves climbing until they got to the Octopus Access Fire Rd. and Lower Summit Fire Rd. The overachievers stayed on the ridgeline till it deposited them at Summit Dr. and thence to Redwood Ave and back to the keg. The LP were in the parking lot when Chickenboner arrived and set off on trial by herself. Dr. K finally arrived and 5 AI who was fresh as springtime having disavowed PP and MH. Happily, those two finally made it back and the pack adjourned to a picknic table in the “alcohol free park”, the keg was tapped but with such a small pack the Sacred Bucket stayed tucked away. On the other hand, PP fired up the Sacred Grill and using the hood of his car for a table whipped out the usual condiments. The first course was grilled halloumi cheese followed by an endless stream of polish sausages and bratwurst. Chickenboner arrived back having come to her senses when the air was filled with the aroma of grilling. And then, Just Mark arrived. JM is a friend of Cheese Turd and lives in Marin. He had been in the parking lot the whole time just at the wrong end, oops. At some point he appears to have looked behind him and seen the savages stuffing their gaping maws, so he drove over! There was no need for down-downs but JM was on the receiving end of several choruses of You’re Stupid, you’re stupid, you’re really fucking dumb… A sentiment that was well earned. The small but mighty Gypsy war party managed to kill the keg and eat PP out of everything! Never underestimate the Gypsies’ ability to over consume everything, including fun. Cheers.