GPH3 Run #1566: He Wants Your Blood on Trail
: 08/31/2023
: Wawona and 20th Ave.
: Hand Pump
: Tongueless

Run #1566 Hand Pump and the Argonauts! 

Hand Pump closed out the dog days of August laying the Gypsies’ trail from 20th Ave. and Wawona aka Stern Grove. The welcoming committee waved the Outbeer into the space that had been reserved and as soon as the keg of Lagunitas Island Beats appeared Piped Piper grabbed the tap and with a beatific look on his face pulled the first pint! Householders across the road looked on as parking disappeared and the lone SFPD car rolled by and sped on! Adopt A Pussy made a valiant effort to keep the pack out of the street and Backside Banger callously attributed that to AAP not being a personal injury lawyer. Hand Pump was busily explaining the myriad trails he'd spent the day laying. There were the usual Eagle, Turkey and Walker trails but our hare is a devotee of inclusion so there was the trail for Too Drunk to Dare, Geezer, and My Strava is Better Than Your Strava! The possibilities seemed endless. Wash This Asshole’s head looked about to explode! How to pick just the right trail, oh gosh, religion was surely called for and who better to lead the pack with and deeply felt sermon than Tonya Hard On. Caring deeply for the pack Tonya was more than ready to preach, especially when Tongueless mentioned that he would consider their bet cancelled. If Tonya had wept with joy anymore the Grove would have been flooded again. THO stepped forward and with the Traveling Missal firmly in hand preached to the choir of amens from the pack. Our hare provided a chalktalk that basically consisted of enjoy and don’t die, always the essentials! The pack shot through the gate and was off in search of flour and chalk. On All 4s gathered the Lost Patrol under her wings and, mother hen that she is, led her chicks through the gate. In less than a heartbeat the Grove was exited and the pack was pounding pavement down Sloat Blvd. Marks led to Vale Ave. and a steep descent back into the Grove and the parking lot for the dog park area.  As T and FI were cooing at the pooches, who should stroll up but Just Poppy a pooch not long seen at the Gypsies and She Came Again, her person. The twosome decided to “race” along with the pack. Trail led to Pine Lake and stepped off the concrete to be actual dirt. By now the glistening green of the Pastel Gazelle’s shorts were reflecting in the sunlight providing a beacon as trail. Jack The Ripper thought them a guide from Heaven, goes to show you how JTR’s mind works. Trail rounded the lake and resumed the concrete. T allowed as going uphill would lead them to Wawona but the idea of trusting T’s route-finding skills left Daffy Fuck laughing so hard she hit the pavement. An awestruck Dr. Kimble couldn’t believe that DF had spilled not a drop of her roadie! As the pack clopped along there was our hare sitting on the edge of the trial letting the pack know it could either take the tail uphill and climb out of the park or go the longer but more scenic way around. The LP chose the former and headed up towards daylight. Once out of the Grove the trail really steepened on Wawona and as he climbed Manhole was begging for something to stop the nosebleed. Eventually the trail leveled off and the pack was back at the start. 5 Angry Inches had done an eagle version of the trail. Not to say that some people take the trail seriously but he and Who’s Your Daddy almost came to blows over their respective Strava routes. Chickenboner and THO took the fight out of the lads when they mumbled sotto voce, “Swing a fist and that’s the only kind of blow you’ll see tonight!” The keg was tapped and hid in the Outbeer where it was joined by the Sacred Bucket of River Madness, the Vitamin J was arrayed on the hood of HP’s car. Just Fuck Off really needed a pint, in fact she took control of the tap, claiming she had the equivalent of “snow blindness from the reflection of PG’s shorts. Being all heart Cuming Mutha rubbed some dirt on the offender. Some shouted “Too little too late” but PG seemed to be enjoying it! The keg was almost dead, on its last gasp and the Sacred Bucket drained dry. Eventually the Gypsies drifted off to nurse their hangovers, the current ones and those yet to cum. Cheers.