GPH3 Run #1567: Floaters and Stinker!
: 09/07/2023
: Public Toilets by Spreckels Lake in Golden Gate Park at 36th Ave.
: Chickenboner aka the Queen
: Tongueless

Run #1567 This Aint’t Lake Gitchee Gumee! 

Chickenboner aka the Gypsies Queen brought the pack together for an aquatic experience on the shores Spreckels Lake in Golden Gate Park on 36th Ave. Now, these shores are all concrete and covered in Goose shit but Hiawatha wasn’t gonna be there anyway. Way better than Hiawatha the Gypsies were graced by Fleshlight and Golden Snowball down from PortlandH3 and, wait for it, THE KING! Rongjon aka Rongjonicus Rex, King of the Gypsies came strolling out of nowhere to honor the Gypsies with his royal presence. The keg of Lagunitas IPA was tapped and our hare had spent her day setting a trail worthy of royalty. Golden Snowball graced the pack with a sermon that only she could have delivered, actually she was ably assisted by Fleshlight, who isn’t quite as blind as GS! By the time they were done reading from the Male Missal there wasn’t a dry crotch in the pack! Our hare waved at the still waters and commanding the pack not to get killed sent them off in search of her marks and adventure. On All 4s took the Lost Patrol under here wings and led her chicks off at the usual LP pace, no zero to 6os in this pack. The don’t get killed mantra was immediately tested as trail crossed 36th Ave. before plunging into the depths of the park. The pack negotiated the trail around the Bison Paddock with Wrinkled Pecker trying desperately to convince Just Lola that the Bison weren’t dog food on the hoof! Next on the animal parade was the GGP Dog Training Area with trail zipping past and WP zipping past even faster.  Tuna On Top was mumbling that with her luck trail would pass the Casting Ponds and she’d have to live with more jokes about, “Something fishy!” No sooner did the LP head into the woods than RJ and Backside Banger decided they needed to maintain their hydration by heading over to Pittsburgh Dan’s, the King’s pub of choice when he lived in SF. Adopt A Pussy and Daffy Fuck cast their fates and wallets with the LP, why pay for piss when a keg is waiting for you; a Gypsies motto to live by! Trail stayed in the shiggy with Tongueless’ whining, the reason Wash This Asshole has taken to wearing noise canceling earphones. No one found it odd when Fits In asked him the price and where he’d bought them! Trail crossed MLK, Jr. Dr, not once but twice and plunged back into the shiggy on the road home. OA4s was able to follow Cuming Mutha on her phone and make sure the LP was not going the same way. Apparently, Manhole has the same app and follows CM so he can be sure he’s on the eagle trail! Trail took the pack through the Elk Glen Picnic Area and OA4s led the LP around the Polo Field. There was some panic when she abandoned the LP to use the Bathroom, but AAP and Pied Piper stepped in to lead the way. Eventually all and sundry were back at the start and the shoreline became host to the keg with the Cloak Of Invisibility draped over and all the Vitamin J atop the COI. The Sacred Bucket was filled with Sea Breezes, and all became right with the world. Pastel Gazelle announced he was leaving for an Everest Base Camp trek. Just Fuck Off pointed out that he wasn’t exhibiting much optimism having bought a one-way ticket. Our hare arrived with pizza to share. Backwash heaved a sigh of relief that no one was injured in the ensuing crush. Who’s Your Daddy reminded CB that she shouldn’t feed the animals. Dr. Kimble was, um, carried away by the Bucket and later Hand Pump and Backwash carried him away from the Bucket! As the alcohol flowed freely there was joy and sadness, sadness that Golden Snowball didn’t reprise her famous naked pushups and joy that neither did T. T convened the Circle and issued the infamous order to, “Shut the fuck up” but the pack was silenced to hear not him but King Rongjon, Sword Of Power clutched in his fist deliver the down-downs. The pack was returned to Rongjon World to live once again in Rongjon’s mind! 5150 was suddenly glad that he has his therapist on speed dial. Rongjon finished the only way the pack would accept, with a rousing rendition of his signature song, Clint Meets the Gay Caballero! Once again, a Thursday to remember, not likely after the keg and Bucket, with the Gypsies!