GPH3 Run #1603: The Weekend Begins on Thursday!
: 05/16/2024
: The back end of the parking lot for The Palace of the Legion of Honor on El Camino Del Mar off of 34th Ave.
: Chickenboner aka The Queen of the Gypsies
: Tongueless

Run #1603  Apparently the Out of Towners Stayed Out of Town!

Chickenboner has picked up the gauntlet castoff by King Rongjon and “Saint” Titty Boo Boo to lay the Gypsies’ trail at the start of the Bay 2 Breakers weekend and as usual she did a grand job, and the Gypsies became the beneficiaries of her work. As usual trail was laid from the parking lot of the Palace of the Legion of Honor on 34th Ave. and El Camino Del Mar. This is a great location with spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean and the cliffs above it. Out of towners get a great view and trails along the cliffs and this year the Gypsies had all that to themselves since there were zero out of towners. Ah well, it just meant more of the keg of Lagunitas Hazy Wonder went down the gullets of the Gypsies. As they realized that they wouldn’t be sharing the keg the grins on Backside Banger and Adopt A Pussy grew wider! After last years’ contretemps with a minion of the law, Tongueless suggested parking farther from the museum back entrance but our hare opposed that since she was planning on grilling and needed a table for the grill. CB’s best argument was that if there were any deliveries to the museum this year Who’s Your Daddy would not scream, “Let’s rush that truck!” As the parking lot filled, the pack milled around pounding the piss. CSI arrived and commented on the dearth of out of towners, as a sly smile crossed her lips. Aside from the Gypsies there was the usual car with the couple who figured they could get it on in a quiet spot. E-MC Fucked’s leering visage had them burning rubber out of the lot. CB had plenty of cookies to go with the piss and Pied Piper provided some of his patented homemade, “I killed it myself” Jerky. If PP ever falls over in the woods the animals will be enjoying PP Jerky, sweet revenge! Daffy Fuck arrived to be backup for BB and AAP in case they couldn’t pound enough piss before trail, she needn’t have worried, but it was sweet of her to care! Blow Queen was *unning in place to maintain his aerobic debt, our hare took pity on him and sent the pack off to marvel at the views and stop annoying her with questions. Backwash did a creditable 5150 imitation by arriving just as the pack was shuffling off uphill out of the parking lot. Trail took the pack along Camino Del Mar and the golf course and then took the pack over the hill and back down Camino Del Mar until it turned at Lands End Tail Eagles Point and kissed the concrete goodbye! On All 4s was mother henning the Lost Patrol as she is wont to. The pack was treated to great views and happily paid attention to the steep drops. Dr. Kimble found himself opting for survival over speed leading Wash This Asshole to mutter, “cowardly”. Odd since he has never *un a step. Choke Me, Daddy whispered, “*unning might mess his coif!” As trail climbed towards Deadman’s Point, not a particularly assuring name, 5 Angry Inches came flying past and the wind from his passing fairly lifted Fits In off her feet, 5AI is FAST! As the trail continued over the rocks Pastel Gazelle was overheard mumbling, “Where are hooves when you really need them!” It’s easy to see why Just Fuck Off has mastered the meaningful eyeroll! As Manhole chugged along Magnum, Not I mistook his breathing for the rumble of MH’s truck and kept thinking he’d have to dive off trail. Happily, Deadman’s Point didn’t live up to its name. Trail rolled on and on with Chickenboner becoming a curse word, and then it was over! The pack was reunited, and the keg tapped and covered by the Cloak Of Invisibility which was covered with Vitamin J and a Sacred Bucket filled with River Madness. In no time CB had her grill fired up and was cranking out a carnivore’s delight with buns to match. Hand Pump arrived, alive and copped the DFL prize and the garbage but amazingly there was a garbage can. Butt Plug Fred turned down the grilled heart attack on a plate for veggie burgers. CMD and Exaggerated Crack are going to have a hard time explaining to Yank Me, Daddy how they managed to consume enough Bucket to leave his water bottle and theirs behind. There was one problem with the law, this time the other side of the law as Cuming Mutha pointed out that Do Her Well and Just Doesn’t Get It would be needing to replace the broken window where their car had been broken into. Phew, at least the only thing stolen was Blow Queen’s laptop. BQ didn’t agree with the “Phew”. Cheers.