GPH3 Run #1604: Another Fine Mess You’ve Made
: 05/23/2024
: 21st Ave. and Wawona Stern Grove
: Manhole
: Tongueless

Run #1604 Manhole Can Be a Stern Hare!

Manhole brought the Gypsies together at Stern Gove at 21st Ave. and Wawona site of many a Gypsies debauch so the pack had a good idea of what was to cum! The Outbeer arrived and opened its hatch to reveal the icy cold keg of Lagunitas Little Sumpin Sumpin, a shiver of pleasure ran through the pack. Backside Banger looked more like a vibrator turned on high than shivering with pleasure. Part of that might have been the realization that Adopt A Pussy is not a Little Sumpin fan so everything that would go to AAP could go to Backside. That pleasure was short lived  as AAP announced like it or not, he was pulling a pint. It just got worse from there as Daffy Fuck arrived and Backside’s dream was shattered. DF yanked a tissue from her fanny pack, wiped Backside’s eyes, ordered him to blow his nose, and slapping his face told him to stop being a whiney twat! Looking at Wash This Asshole a silky voiced DF said, “I hate to see a grown man cry...unless I’m the cause!” WTA looked over his shoulder nervously! Apparently, the only ones who weren’t nervous were Just Fuck Off and Fits In! It was crystal clear to MH that he better get the pack moving and the hell with religion! MH just sent the pack through a divide in the fence. MH said he’d be at the back of the pack to mediate any disturbances. Trail took the pack downhill into the East Meadow and past the Trocadero Clubhouse with the crushed roof thanks to a falling tree. Manhole had mumbled that Tongueless would love the trail and even probably be able to remain upright. It was, um, unkind of Pastel Gazelle to have laughed so hard! As trail approached the Pine Lake Dog Park it was clear that T was happy, what with all those dogs *unning around playing. Whether T could remain upright was still unclear. The park is a big open area surrounded by hills with a lake at one end, and can be *un or walked around on either side of the field since the two sides cum together. That being said the trail marks were one side of the park but were unnecessary for following what MH had done, um, unless your name is Dr. Kimble. The pack was able to have a clear view of Dr. K steadfastly staying on the side of the park with the marks and calling out, “On-On” as he came to each mark. The good Dr. K is a hash trooper, no question about that. The pack could only watch the loneliness of the long distance *unner for so long before they gave in and crossed to Dr. K’s side of the park. What goes down must cum up and as the pack rounded Pine Lake the trail did just that. Trail climbed the hill out of the park to Wawona and 32 Ave. then continued to climb Wawona St. until the pack was back at 21st Ave. MH was thrilled that the pack was reunited, and T was still standing upright. The keg stayed in the Outbeer but the Cloak Of Invisibility was erected and covered with Vitamin J as well as holding the Sacred Bucket filled with River Madness, so much for anyone remaining upright for long. Gaping maws were soon being stuffed with Vitamin J to have it washed down with either Lagunitas Little Sumpin Sumpin or River Madness. Pastel Gazelle, Backside Banger and Daffy Fuck saved time by doing one after the other. Saint that he is, Cuming Mutha growlerized the Bucket to bring some home to On All 4s. AAP found that he could indeed, um, stomach the beer but why bother when tomorrow’s hangover is just a Bucket drink away! Dr. Kimble eventually left to wend his way back over the Golden Gate knowing that he alone had followed trail the entire time, true dedication. As for the rest, they saved their dedication for the Vitamin J, keg and Bucket. Cheers,